
Dare to leave your comfort zone with the psychologist Jaime Acosta


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Dare to leave your comfort zone with the psychologist Jaime Acosta

The comfort zone is a psychological state that leads you to be anchored in an environment that you know and with which you are not comfortable but you settle and end up adapting and you remain in it due to habit, routine, fear and the search for "security", limiting your goals and personal development.

Some examples of a comfort zone are: a dysfunctional relationship, a routine job, a circle of friends, an addiction etc; It is an area where you have been for a long time and even though you don't like it, you settle in and refuse to leave. Without realizing it, you create a vicious circle and adopt habits and behaviors that become automatic and you feel empty and full of frustrations without knowing how to change the situation.

The most serious thing is that to avoid the psychological discomfort that staying in your comfort zone generates, you justify yourself and postpone the solution, valid to stay there in that situation through beliefs such as «it is better a bird in hand than to see a hundred flying "Or" better known bad, something is something, there are people who are worse, the one who does not have more with his partner goes to bed "with which you resign yourself to your luck.

Many people leave this area as a result of a crisis and are forced to make decisions that transform their lives. However, we should not wait for extreme situations to make the leap; Staying in the comfort zone has more harm than good, because it limits your personal expansion that prevents you from developing in new areas, innovating, meeting new people, taking on new challenges, etc.

Resistance to change is related to fear, low self-esteem, loss of security, low tolerance for frustration and lack of skills to face new challenges. This has a high emotional cost that can lead you to fall into states of depression, anxiety, irritability, etc.

To get out of your comfort zone requires having courage and assuming the emotional costs involved, in the end every goal deserves efforts, but in the end you will get the reward, because you will be able to overcome psychological limitations and take the step towards a new learning zone, where you will be able to have a new vision of the world, overcome your fears, acquire new behaviors and motivate yourself to do things that you have never done before or we reinvent the ones you have been doing, such as: change your habits, meet new people, renew a business, learn another language, a new project, reinvent your relationship, divorce, change your routine, etc.

In short, the way to bring about real changes in your life is to get out of your comfort zone; Achieving this does not necessarily require replacing what you have, (your partner, your job, etc.), you have the option of reinventing what you currently have only that you have been doing; Keep in mind that many times you do not achieve your goals because they are so big that they do not fit in such a small comfort zone and you will have to move and look for them in your learning zone that offers you new and better possibilities.

Don't let time go on. You are in a zone of conformity, but where nothing germinates. If you can't just seek help, the change is now.

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