Eliana Garcés
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
Lip contouring with hyaluronic acid, performed by Dr. E…

Iván Diazgranados Fernández
Dermatólogo / Barranquilla
Dark circles filled with Hyaluronic Acid by dermatologi…

Centro Médico Estético Carmen J Guerra
Médico alternativo / Barranquilla
Volume recovery with hyaluronic acid on cheekbones and…

Iván Diazgranados Fernández
Dermatólogo / Barranquilla
To increase the volume of the lips in a natural way, th…

Iván Diazgranados Fernández
Dermatólogo / Barranquilla
Rejuvenation with Hyaluronic Aci

Centro Médico Estético Carmen J Guerra
Médico alternativo / Barranquilla
DIANA, our 79-year-old patient who presented sagging an…

Darío Cabello Baquero
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
Before the application of hyaluronic acid, signs of agi…

Centro Médico Estético Carmen J Guerra
Médico alternativo / Barranquilla
Chin and mandibular contour with Hyaluronic acid

Iván Diazgranados Fernández
Dermatólogo / Barranquilla
Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid