Kenneth Morillo Arango
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
Lip augmentation is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure d…

Iván Diazgranados Fernández
Dermatólogo / Barranquilla
Before and after lip augmentation

Iván Diazgranados Fernández
Dermatólogo / Barranquilla
Before and after lip augmentation by dermatologist in B…

Eliana Garcés
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
Before and after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid.

Eliana Garcés
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
Lip enhancement with hyaluronic acid enhances the shape…

Iván Diazgranados Fernández
Dermatólogo / Barranquilla
Before and after lip augmentation

Centro Médico Estético Carmen J Guerra
Médico alternativo / Barranquilla
We achieved what she asked for her lips: correct asymme…

Iván Diazgranados Fernández
Dermatólogo / Barranquilla
Before and after patient lip augmentation

Eliana Garcés
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
The application of hyaluronic acid hydrates and restore…