Darío Cabello Baquero
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
Before and after rhinoplasty or nose surgery with the p…

Darío Cabello Baquero
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
After rhinoplasty, a significant transformation is expe…

Darío Cabello Baquero
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
Post-operated rhinoplasty patient. Excellent results an…

Darío Cabello Baquero
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
Rhinoplasty is a surgery in which the shape of the nose…

Darío Cabello Baquero
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
After rhinoplasty, there is a noticeable improvement in…

Darío Cabello Baquero
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
Female post-operated rhinoplasty patient with excellent…

Darío Cabello Baquero
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
Post-operated rhinoplasty patient. Excellent results an…

Darío Cabello Baquero
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
Rhinoplasty post-operated male patient

Darío Cabello Baquero
Cirujano plástico / Barranquilla
Before and after rhinoplasty