School certificate: medical examination, audiometry and visiometry for students in Barranquilla

School certificate: medical examination, audiometry and visiometry for students in Barranquilla
De Medicosdoc
22 May 2024
Medicina laboral

The start of the school year is the perfect time to ensure that our students are in optimal health conditions. Medical examination, audiometry, and visiometry are essential to ensure that children have an environment conducive to learning and can get the most out of their education. Next, we will answer some frequently asked questions about these exams and recommend Continental Occupational Medicine Barranquilla, where high-quality school exams are offered.

What is a school medical examination?

A school health exam is an evaluation of a student's general health. It is done to detect any medical condition that may affect your well-being and academic performance.

Why is audiometry important for students?

Audiometry is vital to evaluate students' hearing. Hearing problems not diagnosed in time can affect your ability to learn and communicate in the classroom.

What is visiometry and why is it important for students?

Visiometry is a test that evaluates visual acuity and detects vision problems. Good vision is essential for reading and learning in general.

How often should school health exams be done?

The school health examination, including audiometry and visiometry, is recommended annually to monitor the health of students on an ongoing basis.

Where can I take school medical exams in Barranquilla?

Continental Labor Medicine in Barranquilla it offers complete school exams and issues the school certificate required by the country's educational institutions.

Why choose Continental Occupational Medicine for these exams?

Continental Labor Medicine It has highly qualified medical personnel and state-of-the-art equipment to perform precise examinations. Additionally, they focus on providing friendly and efficient service to students and their families.

How can I schedule an appointment at Continental Occupational Medicine?

Continental Labor Medicine Served on a first-come, first-served basis from Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 1:00 pm and on Saturdays from 7:00 am to 12:30 pm, hours enabled for audiometry.

Can I get a report of the results for theschool?

Yes, Continental Occupational Medicine will provide detailed reports of the results that you can present to the school as part of the student's medical records.

In summary, medical examination, audiometry and visiometry are essential to ensure that students are in optimal conditions to learn. Continental Labor Medicine is an excellent option to obtain these services in a professional and efficient manner. Don't neglect your children's health and make sure they have a healthy start to the school year.

Medicina Laboral Continental S.A.S.

Medicina Laboral Continental S.A.S.

Salud ocupacional en Barranquilla

Cra 49C No. 80 - 125,
Barranquilla, Colombia

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