Say goodbye to erectile dysfunction with P / shot

Say goodbye to erectile dysfunction with P / shot
De Kenneth Morillo Palma
04 Aug 2021
Medicina Sexual

What is the P-shot?

Pshot is an activated platelet-rich plasma treatment for male genital use.

What is the P-shot for?

Pshot returns through 8 cell growth factors the neural, vascular, cavernous endothelial and myogenic re-activation of erectile function, overcoming shock waves.

What are the benefits of P-shot?

The P-shot has multiple benefits that guarantee rejuvenation, rapid repowering of the penis due to the neovascularization that is positively generated by attacking cellular wear and tear over the years.

Who can take the P-shot?

Pshot can be performed by any individual who wishes to maintain, preserve, and obtain benefits from an excellent erectile and comprehensive sexual function.

When will the P-Shot results be noticeable?

Pshot goes through several steps from taking the patient's blood to cell centrifugation to obtain stem cells, and later developing an artificial erection in the patient by means of equipment for this purpose; and the application of PRP in 1-6 sessions depending on the medical condition of the pte and comorbidity diseases.

Is the P-Shot painful?

The PShot is not painful.

After how long the Pshot has been applied, can sexual activity be resumed?

Once the Pshot is applied, the patient or client can perform her sexual activity.

Does P-Shot have side effects?

Pshot has no side effects, after it is well transferred to the cavernous bed in a specialized way.

Are the P-Shot results final?

The results of the Pshot are positively definitive as long as the pte follows up and keeps doing Rshots at least every 3-6-9 months depending on how he reacts and if he is obediently following and applying the prevention of the cellular risk factors.

Are there any contraindications to taking the P-Shot?

There are no contraindications for Pshot since it is a procedure that is born from the processed blood of the same patient.

Kenneth Morillo Palma

Kenneth Morillo Palma

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