New Parents' Guide: Essential Care for Your Newborn

New Parents' Guide: Essential Care for Your Newborn
De Juan Pablo Orozco
21 Mar 2024

It is logical that future parents ask themselves the following question: How to care for a newborn? Newborns have characteristics that must be taken into account in order to care for them properly. In this sense, the pediatrician in Medellín, Dr. Juan Pablo Orozco, offers a complete guide to help new parents in caring for their babies.

How to care for the appearance of a newborn?

Newborns have slow and unstable blood circulation, so it is common for their skin to turn a dark red color and have blue hands and feet, especially when the extremities are cold.

Often, a yellowish color is observed in newborns, visible first in the conjunctiva (the white part of the eye) and then in the rest of the body. This characteristic is called “jaundice” and is related to the immaturity of the liver in the first days of the child's life, which causes bilirubin levels to increase above normal.

It is also very common to see dark blue spots on the buttocks and back, which have no implications for the baby's health and disappear over time, although it is not unusual for them to remain for long periods (a year or more).

How to care for a newborn's fontanels?

The baby's head may be molded, especially if the birth was very prolonged. The elongated shape of the head is very common, an appearance it acquires when passing through the birth canal. Sometimes, newborns can have cranial hematomas, which are collections of blood under the scalp, caused by birth trauma, and which reabsorb on their own over time.

All newborns have permeable fontanelles, these are usually called mollerites and are those soft areas of the head, where no bone can be palpated, which close when the baby grows, at approximately one year of age.

This area of the baby's head is very fragile and it is recommended to treat it with great care. Avoid falls and knocks, but do not overdo it, because they are resistant.

On the other hand, observation by a professional on the evolution of the fontanels is also important, since it determines the correct bone and brain development of the baby.

Way to take care of a newborn's senses

They may have swollen eyes, folded ears and a nose blocked by secretions, normal characteristics in the first days of life. The newborn's eye is capable of observing at 20 cm. away, it is very sensitive to light and sees in three dimensions.

The ability to pay attention to auditory stimuli develops as early as week 28 in the mother's tummy. The baby turns his eyes and then his head in the direction of the auditory stimulus.

Respiration is rapid and variable. The same thing happens with the heartbeat, it is very common for men or women to have swollen nipples, and even to secrete some milk, due to the hormones they receive from the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Care for a newborn's navel

The abdomen is usually globular. They have remains of an umbilical cord that should dry and fall off in approximately five to 15 days. It is common for babies to have an Umbilical Hernia, since the abdominal muscles are still weak.

Our grandmothers used to bandage or bind the baby to correct this condition, however, it is not necessary to take any action, since Hernias correct themselves when the baby strengthens his muscles when sitting and standing.

Hygiene: Dry the navel with a dry cotton swab after bathing. Do not use alcohol or other substances, it is important to ensure that it does not turn red, have a bad smell or have purulent or globular discharge.

Go to a specialist

The ideal is for our baby's health to be managed by a specialist who has precise controls at each stage of the child, this will allow us to avoid, as far as possible, any serious long-term illness.

A Pediatrician has the power to treat a newborn in appropriate ways, avoiding hurting him or causing any pain, which is why it is important to have a primary Pediatrician who knows and is familiar with the infant.

If you are looking for pediatric care in Medellín, Colombia, Dr. Juan Pablo Orozco is a highly qualified pediatrician who can provide you with the support and guidance you need to care for your newborn. With his experience and dedication, Dr. Orozco is committed to providing the best possible care for your little one. Don't hesitate to contact him for personalized help and advice during this exciting stage of life

Dr. Juan Pablo  Orozco Forero

Dr. Juan Pablo Orozco Forero

Pediatra en Medellín

Calle 19A No. 44 - 25 ,
Medellín, Colombia

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