Frequently asked questions about hair loss

Frequently asked questions about hair loss
De Centro Dermatológico Giovanni Bojanini
07 May 2020

What kind of alopecia I have?

Alopecia or baldness is a disease that every day worries more men and women in the world. To provide treatment the first thing to do is to diagnose and know what type of alopecia you are suffering from, that's why we have created a test that will help you know your type of baldness and possible solutions.

What is hair mesotherapy?

Peaks of baldness in men can begin in their 20s, however by the time they reach their 40s this problem may be more evident. Capillary mesotherapy, in addition to increased thickness and growth, helps stop the process of active hair loss. Capillary mesotherapy is an effective procedure for patients who suffer the first signs of baldness.

What are the benefits of hair mesotherapy?

  1. Nourishes and oxygenates the follicles
  2. Stimulates the scalp and slows down
  3. Quickly stops the active fall
  4. Provides thickness to fine hair

What is a FUE hair implant?

Hair micrografting is a complementary treatment to combat alopecia. At Giovanni Bojanini we use the FUE technique, a minimally invasive procedure, which consists of extracting the localized hair one by one to classify them and prepare them for the graft, thus imitating the patient's growth patterns, guaranteeing a natural result. At Giovanni Bojanini dermatological center we are pioneers and experts worldwide in this procedure.

¿Qué es el microinjerto capilar?

El microinjerto capilar es un procedimiento quirúrgico que soluciona el problema de calvicie de manera DEFINITIVA. ¡RECUERDA! El éxito de un procedimiento depende de los cuidados que se tengan después de realizado. Es muy importante seguir las recomendaciones médicas. No requiere suturas, deja micro cicatriz imperceptible, ni una sola unidad folicular es dañada, el paciente puede incorporarse al día siguiente a sus actividades.

How do I know what treatment I need for hair loss?

The first step in determining the appropriate treatment for your hair loss problem is to identify the type of degree of progress of the problem. The Hamilton scale is used to classify the degree of alopecia in men.

Is it normal for hair to fall out?

Did you know that 50 to 150 hairs fall out each day and is considered a normal hair change? The hair life cycle consists of 4 phases:

  1. Anagen: It is the growth phase in which the length of our hair is determined.
  2. Catagen: It is when the hair stops growing.
  3. Telogen: It is the cycle in which the hair falls out because the bulb has long suspended growth activity.
  4. Exogenous: It is the phase where new hair begins the growth phase.

Throughout life, each hair is in a different life cycle.

What are plasma and hair mesotherapy for?

Plasma and hair mesotherapy increases the density of your hair by stimulating its growth and strengthening with this treatment combination.

What is hair plasma for?

Capillary plasma is indicated to decrease and stop active hair loss, strengthening hair follicles, activating follicular growth, and regenerating the scalp for healthier hair.

If you have any further questions or need an appointment with the Giovanni Bojanini Dermatological Center please do not hesitate to contact us.

Centro Dermatológico Giovanni Bojanini Hair & Skin Experts

Centro Dermatológico Giovanni Bojanini Hair & Skin Experts

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