Deciphering the Human Papillomavirus: Symptoms and Answers by Dr. Graciela Rolong

Deciphering the Human Papillomavirus: Symptoms and Answers by Dr. Graciela Rolong
De Graciela Rolong Vence
24 Apr 2024

In this article, Dr. Graciela Rolong takes an in-depth look at human papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted infection that affects millions of people around the world. Fundamental questions will be addressed such as: What is the human papillomavirus and how is it spread? What are the symptoms? Is there a cure? Which is the treatment? Dr. Graciela Rolong, an expert gynecologist in Barranquilla, will provide clear and precise answers to these questions, providing essential information to understand and address this infection.

What is the human papillomavirus and how is it spread?

The human papillomavirus is a DNA virus which can be contracted from a human through mucosal contact or from standing. There are more than 100 variants of this virus, some strains more aggressive than others, but all can eventually produce mild disease such as the presence of simple warts or a more advanced disease such as cervical cancer.

What are the symptoms of human papillomavirus?

The human papilloma virus can present asymptomatically in those people who have a competent defense system in such a way that it does not cause any disease or disease and it can appear in the form of warts on the skin or mucous membranes. It can also present in a subclinical form which will be detected by a colposcope which is a microscope and in a latent form which can be present in the individual for many years without producing symptoms.

Is there a cure for human papillomavirus?

Yes, there is a cure for the human papillomavirus, but the fact that it is multifocal suggests that it is not curable, this means that in an area of ??skin or mucosa the virus can be in all extension but only manifest Clinically in one area, the rest of it will remain asleep or latent and the disease can reactivate years later, suggesting that it is incurable.

What is the treatment for human papillomavirus?

The treatment for the human papilloma virus is locally destructive, that is, there is no pill or a treatment that eliminates it, prevention can be done with the vaccine but it will not eliminate the virus directly.

How does the human papillomavirus affect a person's life?

If the person has a competent defense system, they can live with the human papillomavirus for 15 to 20 years without causing any type of condition, as it can present to other people and if their immune system is weak it can reach a cancer. It is also important to clarify that the presence of a cancer or not is due to whether the individual has an aggressive or high-risk variant or, on the contrary, a low-risk non-aggressive variant, in the first case it is more likely that a cancer and in the second case less feasible.

How much time can elapse between the spread of the human papillomavirus and the development of cervical cancer?

The spread of the human papillomavirus and the appearance of cervical cancer depends on the aggressiveness of the strain that has been acquired and on your immune system. On average, a high-risk strain can take between 8 and 10 years from the moment a person infects it until cancer appears, but this can vary from one individual to another.

How often should the human papillomavirus vaccine be given?

To date, the vaccine against the human papillomavirus that has been applied in Colombia for approximately 17 years is the tetravalent one and has not emerged the need to place a reinforcement. About a month ago, the nonavalent vaccine that protects against more strains of the human papillomavirus has entered the country, since it is the most recent it is still in a study process.

Graciela Rolong Vence

Graciela Rolong Vence

Ginecólogo en Barranquilla

Cra 30 Corredor Universitario No 1 - 850,
Barranquilla, Colombia

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Graciela Rolong Vence

Graciela Rolong Vence

Ginecólogo en Barranquilla

Cra 30 Corredor Universitario No 1 - 850,
Barranquilla, Colombia

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