About Kelly Payares Álvarez
Dr. Kelly Payares is a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, known as Physiatry. She graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, she has extensive experience in this medical area. In addition to her clinical practice, she is a professor at the University of Antioquia.
In her office, Dr. Kelly Payares offers electromyography and neuroconduction services. These procedures are essential for diagnosing and evaluating muscle and nerve health, identifying nerve and muscle dysfunctions, as well as problems in the transmission of nerve signals to the muscles.
Accepted Insurances:
Private patients only
Consultation value:
- $240.000
Procedures and treatments:
Diseases and disorders:
- Electromyography, Nerve conduction studies
Schedule an Appointment
Calle 7 No. 39-290
Cons. 905
Medellín, Colombia
Today 8:00 am
from 5:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Kelly Payares Álvarez locations and facilities
Calle 7 No. 39-290
Cons. 905
Medellín, Colombia
Today 8:00 am from 5:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Specials and news
Kelly Payares Álvarez Curriculum
- Doctor of Medicine - Universidad Libre Barranquilla, Colombia
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ., México
- International Masters in Aesthetic Medicine - Esneca Business school ., España
Last congresses and seminars
- I Refresher Course in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. - Medellín, Colombia
- Comprehensive pain medical update symposium. - Medellín, Colombia
- 16th ISPRM World Congress. - Lisboa, Portugal
- SUMMIT Post-covid rehabilitation 2022. - Hybrid modality. Intensity: 9 hours, - ,
- 17th ISPRM World Congress and 31st. Colombian and 3rd Ibero-American rehabilitation congress. Intensity: 28 hours. - Cartagena, Colombia
Board Certifications
- Asociación Antioqueña de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación.
Publications and conferences
- Validation in Colombia of the Oswestry Disability Questionnaire in patients with low back pain. Spine 2011 Dec 15;36.
- Conocimientos básicos sobre la toxina botulínica para una utilización terapéutica segura. Revista asociación Colombiana de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación. Diciembre de 2013.
- Validation in Colombia Of the Roland Morris Questionnaire to evaluate Disability in Low back pain. SPINE 2015; volume 40, Number 14, pp 1108 – 1114.
- Severe and moderate injuries in people over 60 years of age caused in traffic accidents in Medellin (Colombia). Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 61: e551-e552. July 2018.
- Correlación entre pruebas y escalas de valoración funcional en el seguimiento a la adaptación prótesica de personas con amputación del miembro inferior. Rehabilitación(Madrid) 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rh.2020.11.001.
- Validación de la escala de depresión de Glasgow en población colombiana con discapacidad intelectual. Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Diciembre 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rcp.2022.11.003
- Mejoría del dolor, la función y la calidad de vida en dolor lumbar subagudo: ensayo clínico controlado con ejercicio vs. AINES. Rev Col Med Fis Rehab. 2023-33(1):12-24 - Enero - Junio de 2023. http://doi.org/10.28957/rcmfr.384
Excelente atención con calidad humana, consulte por dolor en la espalda que no pasaba con nada, la dra me infiltro, me hizo recomendaciones todo de mucha ayuda, me siento muy bien y satisfecha con la atención, muchas gracias dra Kelly.