About Dr. Albeiro García Varela

The dentist Albeiro Garcia Varela de Santa Marta is a graduate of the University of Magdalena, specializing in dental aesthetics at the FACOP faculty in Brazil and in orofacial harmonization at the Ziroldo Institute in Brazil.

The dentist Albeiro Garcia Varela has more than 15 years of experience offering dental services in Santa Marta, which include smile design, orthodontics, dental implants, aesthetic dentistry, ceramic lenses, bruxism treatments, and metal-free dental crowns. In orofacial harmonization, he offers non-surgical rhino modeling and lip augmentation with hyaluronic aci…

Español, Inglés, Alemán
Offers online consultations: Yes

Accepted Insurances:

Private patients only

Consultation value:

  • $50.000

Diseases and disorders:

Schedule an Appointment

Calle 30 No. 5 - 44
Local 7
Santa Marta, Colombia

Today 8:00 am
from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Video Gallery

Dr. Albeiro García Varela locations and facilities


Calle 30 No. 5 - 44
Local 7
Santa Marta, Colombia

Today 8:00 am from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Specials and news

Dr. Albeiro García Varela Curriculum


  • Dentist - Universidad del Magdalena Santa Marta, Colombia


  • Specialist in dental aesthetics - FACOP Bauru, Brasil
  • Orofacial harmonization - Instituto Ziroldo Curitiba , Brasil

Juan Carlos14 Aug 20235 Estrellas

El Dr. cambio totalmente mi sonrisa. Me realice un diseño de sonrisa y lo que más me gustó fue el resultado natural y armonioso. Lo recomiendo para diseños de sonrisa con carillas.