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About Wilman Gutiérrez González

Dr. Wilman Gutiérrez González doctor of medicine form the Universidad del Norte. Postgraduate in general surgery at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia Hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Specialist in aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery at the Carlos Chagas Institute in Rio de Janeiro with a fellow in aesthetic plastic surgery at the Ivo Pitanguy Institute in Rio de Janeiro.

He is a member of the Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery (SCCP) and an international member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS).

Dr. Wilman Gutiérrez González naturally and confidently highli…

Español, Inglés, Portugués
Offers online consultations: Yes
Cash,Credit card,Debit card
Serves: Adultos

Accepted Insurances:

Private patients only

Consultation value:

  • $300.000


  • Laser hair removal

Schedule an Appointment

Cra 49B No. 79 - 01
Local 27
Barranquilla, Colombia

Today 8:00am
from 6:00pm to 6:00pm

Wilman Gutiérrez González locations and facilities


Cra 49B No. 79 - 01
Local 27
Barranquilla, Colombia

Today 8:00am from 6:00pm to 6:00pm

Specials and news

Wilman Gutiérrez González Curriculum


  • Doctor of Medicine - Universidad del Norte Barranquilla, Colombia


  • General Surgery - Hospital Santa Casa da Misericordia Río de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Plastic Surgery - Instituto Carlos Chagas Río de Janeiro, Brasil

Last congresses and seminars

  • XVI DOMINICAN CONGRESS OF PLASTIC SURGERY, Ibero-American Federation of Plastic Surgery - . Punta Cana, Republica Dominicana
  • THE AESTHETIC MEETING 2013 - 1 New York, USA
  • EXPERIENCED INSIGHTS IN BREAST AND BODY CONTOURING – American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) - - Chicago, USA
  • 4th CAROCA LASER DAY IN MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP), Chapter of Non-Surgical Aesthetic Procedures and Laser - . Río de Janeiro, Brasil
  • 30th CARIOCA DAY OF PLASTIC SURGERY. Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery SBCP - . Río de Janeiro, Brasil
  • XX International Course of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery (SCCP) - . Barranquilla, Colombia
  • XXXVI National Congress of Plastic Surgery, Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery (SCCP) - . Cartagena, Colombia

Board Certifications

  • Miembro de número de la Sociedad Colombiana de Cirugía Plástica Estética y Reconstructiva (SCCP)
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons international member (ASPS)

Karina Escobar23 Apr 20215 Estrellas

Encantada con mi lipoescultura HD. Super recomendado el Dr. Wilman Gutiérrez

Alexa13 Jul 20215 Estrellas

Quede muy saitsfecha con los resultados.

Marcela28 Oct 20215 Estrellas

Dedicado, amable, apacionado con lo que hace, un gran cirujano plástico. No me pondría en manos de otro.

Carlotica Mercado Mendoza 18 Jan 20235 Estrellas

Mi experiencia personal fue excelente, resalto la parte humana que hace sentir en medio del procedimiento tranquilidad y confianza, su trabajo es evidentemente excepcional. Mi respeto ante este gran profesional de la medicina; digno de admirar.

Pilar29 May 20235 Estrellas

Excelente profesional. Con mucho compromiso .da confianza en todo lo que reliza .recomendadisimo