Milena Osorio Abdala
Health Spa in Cartagena
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Cartagena, Colombia
He stands out in:
Laser lipolysis, Aesthetic medicine, Hyaluronic acid, Lip augmentation, Chin augmentation, Botox, Lip design, Wart removal, Sclerotherapy, Face laser endolift, Ultrasonic hydrolipoclasy, PDO tension threads, Intradermotherapy, Laser buttock lift, Facial mesotherapy, Anti aging medicine, Face peeling, Buttock peeling, Face profiling, Ozonized platelet rich plasma, Reduction of measures, Neck rejuvenation, Face rejuvenation, Fill marked grooves, Rhinomodeling, Cosmetology, Acupuncture, Manual lymphatic drainage, Laser depilation, Dermabrasion, Endermi, Phototherapy, Passive gymnastics, Deep facial hydration, Facial hygiene, Homeopathy, Masks, Microdermabrasion, Ozone therapy, Pressotherapy, Radiofrequency, Serum therapy, Magnetic field therapy, Chelation therapy, Nerve therapy, Relaxation therapies, Post-surgical treatments, Ultracavitation, Treatments for the intimate area, vagina whitening, Flaccidity in the labia majora, Intimate peeling, Vaginal tightening, Facial and body treatment, Acne, Wrinkles, Eye bags, Hair loss, Cellulitis, Raise eyebrows, Tattoo removal, Stretch marks, Flaccidity, Expression lines, Axillary Hyperhidrosis, Stains, Baggy eyes, Dewlap, Gummy smile, Empty, Varicose veins, Veins, Hydralift, Mass sculpt, Nanopore, Radiesse, Ultra-therapy
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