About Alfredo Ramírez Anaya

Dr. Alfredo Ramírez Anaya is an ophthalmologist in Cartagena specialized in refractive and cataract surgery, with a solid medical training that includes his degree as a Surgeon from the Universidad El Bosque in Bogotá, Colombia, and a specialization in ophthalmology from the same institution. After completing his studies, he underwent training in cataract surgery at the Arora Eye Hospital in Jalandhar, India and at the Fundación Visión in Asunción, Paraguay.

In Cartagena, he offers a wide range of cutting-edge ophthalmological services, including the treatment of refractive errors suc…

Español, Inglés
Offers online consultations: Yes
Cash,Credit card,Debit card
Serves: Adultos, Adultos mayores

Accepted Insurances:

Private patients only

Consultation value:

  • $253.000

Schedule an Appointment

Avenida Lacides Segovia #16-60 
Ebenezer Centro Oftalmológico Sede 1 Manga
Cartagena, Colombia

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Alfredo Ramírez Anaya locations and facilities


Avenida Lacides Segovia #16-60 
Ebenezer Centro Oftalmológico Sede 1 Manga
Cartagena, Colombia

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Cra. 16 No. 82-95
Unidad Médica Del Country Cons. 701
Bogotá, Colombia

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Specials and news

Alfredo Ramírez Anaya Curriculum


  • Doctor of medicine - Universidad El Bosque Bogotá, Colombia


  • Ophthalmologist Surgeon - Universidad El Bosque Bogotá, Colombia

Last congresses and seminars

  • Phaco-emulsification Fellowship - Arora Eye Hospital Jalandhar, India
  • Training in SICS -Small Incision Cataract Surgery, Vision Foundation - Asunción , Paraguay

Board Certifications

  • Miembro del Grupo de Investigación Centro Oftalmológico Ebenezer
  • Miembro de la Sociedad Colombiana de Oftalmología
  • Miembro de la Sociedad Panamericana de Oftalmología

Publications and conferences

  • Pinguecula - A review -2019 - Pan American Journal of ophthalmology