About Valentina Ponnefz Grizales
Dr. Valentina Ponnefz Grizales is a Phonoaudiologist graduated from the Unidad Metropolitana in the city of Barranquilla. With postgraduate studies in Alterations of Deglutition (Deglutologa), obtained the title of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, ??Spain and active member of the European Association for swallowing disorders.
From the beginning of her career, her studies are always focused on the forefront, in the areas of: orofacial motor skills, swallowing and aesthetic phonoaudiology; Prioritizing the swallowing aspect, since the oropharyngeal dysphagia despite being the onl…
Accepted Insurances:
Private patients only
Procedures and treatments:
Diseases and disorders:
- Fiberendoscopy for swallowing, Ultrasound, Endoscopic swallowing evaluation
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Cra 30 Corredor Universitario No 1 - 850
Clinica PortoAzul Torre Médica Cons. 623
Barranquilla, Colombia
Today 8:00 am
from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Video Gallery
Valentina Ponnefz Grizales locations and facilities
Cra 30 Corredor Universitario No 1 - 850
Clinica PortoAzul Torre Médica Cons. 623
Barranquilla, Colombia
Today 8:00 am from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Specials and news
Valentina Ponnefz Grizales Curriculum
- Phonoaudiology - Universidad Metropolitana Barranquilla, Colombia
- Postgraduate Degree in Altered Swallowing - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Barcelona, España
- Diploma in Orofacial Motor and Dysphagia - Barranquilla, Colombia
- Training in Neurofeedback Clinical Model, evaluation and design of individual protocols for therapeutics - Manizales, Colombia
- Diploma in the Management of Patients in a Critical and Intensive Care Unit, Phonoaudiological Approach, Pereira Risaralda in Agreement with Fonoclinic Chile - Pereira , Colombia
Last congresses and seminars
- Participation as an asistant to the III International and Interdisciplinary Argentine Congress of Dysphagia and Swallowing Disorders - a Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Participation as an assistant to the Certification and Recertification in Use of Equipment in Orofacial Motricity - . Cartagena, Colombia
- Participation as assistant to the II International and Interdisciplinary Argentine Congress of Dysphagia and Swallowing Disorders - a Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Participation as Assistant of the Head and Neck Rehabilitation Meeting. I Symposium on Oncological Phonoaudiology, Comfamiliar Clinic - a Pereira, Colombia
- Participation as assistant to the II International Symposium of Fragile and Autism in Colombia - a Barranquilla, Colombia
- Participation as an assistant to the course "Voice laboratory - acoustic analysis of the voice" virtual platform - . Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Participation as assistant to the Integral Course of Deepening in Orofacial Motricity - a Barranquilla, Colombia
- Clinical participation of speech therapy, Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo University Hospital, Neiva, Huila, Healing the Children Org. - a Neiva, Colombia
- Assistant to the first course - Aesthetic Phonoaudiology Workshop based on Orofacial Motricity, in agreement with Fonoclinic Chile - a Pereira, Colombia
- Assistant to the course of Atm, Occlusion and Myofunctional Therapy - a Barranquilla, Colombia
- Assistant to the first theoretical-practical course of Dysphagia and Orofacial Motor - a Barranquilla, Colombia
- Participation as assistant to the International Update Seminar on Auditory Amplification / Aural Rehabilitation; Expo 2013 - a Pereira, Colombia
- Assistant to the II Regional Seminar for the Integral Attention of Children in Early Childhood - a Cartagena, Colombia
- Assistant to the II Encounter of Graduates and Day of Update in Phonoaudiology - a Barranquilla, Colombia
- I, II and III level of the Colombian sign language. Universidad Metropolitana - . Barranquilla, Colombia
- Orofacial Motor Course from Pathology to Intervention - a Santa Marta, Colombia
- Certification in use of Equipment in Orofacial Motricity - . ,
- Aesthetic phonoaudiology of the face based on the Orofacial Motor - . Medellín, Colombia
Board Certifications
- European Society for Swallowing Disorders
Hola soy Luisa Castillejo S. Vivo en Barranquilla soy sobreviviente de un infarto cerebral ACV, estuve en UCI casi dos meses y casi el mismo tiempo entubada por esta razón mi tráquea se afectó muchísimo tuve muchas fístulas y hoy tengo un stend en la tráquea, tengo paralizada una cuerda vocal en conclusión me alimento por sonda. Mi estado es muy delicado, hace unos meses no podía ni tragar mi propia saliva,hoy en día ya puedo. La doctora Valentina me está atendiendo desde Diciembre del 2016 y he mejorado ya no broncoaspiro tanto por lo tanto las infecciones respiratorias han desaparecido. La Dra Valentina es una excelente profesional, siempre está en búsqueda de una solución para mi caso, además está muy preparada, es la única especialista en deglución con la que contamos en Barranquilla. Gracias Valentina por tu paciencia y tú interés en mi pronta recuperación.
Excelente profesional, muy buen manejo de su especialidad, recomendada!