5 stars

About Álvaro Villanueva Calderón

Alvaro Villanueva Calderon, is a doctor specializing in Internal Medicine at the Universidad del Rosario and in infectious disease and Public Health at Harvard University. He provides specialized management services for infectious diseases in the city of Barranquilla. Dr. Villanueva, with forty with extensive experience, in professional practice, offers not only excellent medical services but also warmth and human quality.

Dr. Villanueva has extensive experience, his professional practice provides not only excellent medical services but also affection and human quality, and is a Membe…

Schedule an Appointment

Cra 30 Corredor Universitario No 1 - 850
Clínica Portoazul Cons. 530
Barranquilla, Colombia

Today 8:00am
from 12:00pm to 6:00pm

Video Gallery

Álvaro Villanueva Calderón locations and facilities


Cra 30 Corredor Universitario No 1 - 850
Clínica Portoazul Cons. 530
Barranquilla, Colombia

Today 8:00am from 12:00pm to 6:00pm

Specials and news

Álvaro Villanueva Calderón Curriculum


  • Doctor of Medicine - Universidad de Antioquia Medellín, Colombia


  • Internal Medicine - Universidad de Rosario Bogotá, Colombia
  • Infectious diseases - Harvard Medical School Boston, USA
  • Public Health - Harvard School of Public Health Boston, USA

Last congresses and seminars

  • International Congress of Infectious Diseases - Washington, USA

Board Certifications

  • Ex miembro de la Asociación Americana de Microbiología USA
  • Ex miembro de la Asociación Americana de Infectología USA
  • Ex miembro de American Association For Research and Treatment of Cancer
  • Ex miembro de American Association for Advancement of Science
  • Ex miembro de Asociación Panamericana de Infectologìa
  • Ex miembro de HIV Medical Association

Edgardo Schemel Salvat20 Apr 20205 Estrellas

Fuí muy bien atendido por el doctor Álvaro Villanueva, su intervención fué oportuna, acertada y muy amable

Paciente07 Jan 20225 Estrellas

Es el mejor infectólogo de Colombia. Lo recomiendo por su profesionalismo, atención y sabiduria.