Guide to refractive errors: Understanding vision problems

Guide to refractive errors: Understanding vision problems
De Alfredo Ramírez Anaya
11 Oct 2023

What are Refractive Errors?

Refractive errors occur when the eye fails to focus light correctly on the retina. This can lead to blurred or distorted vision of objects. The main types of refractive errors are:

  1. Myopia (Nearsightedness):

    Description: In myopia, close objects are seen clearly, but distant objects appear blurry.

    Cause: It is usually due to a longer than normal eye or excessive curvature of the cornea.

    Symptoms: Difficulty seeing distant objects clearly, need to squint.

  2. Hyperopia (Farsightedness):

    Description: In farsightedness, distant objects can be seen more clearly than close objects.

    Cause: It may be the result of a shorter than normal eye or an improperly curved cornea.

    Symptoms: Blurry vision up close, eye fatigue when reading or focusing on close objects.

  3. Astigmatism:

    Description: Astigmatism is due to an irregular curvature of the cornea or lens, which causes visual distortion at any distance.

    Cause: Irregularities in the shape of the cornea or lens.

    Symptoms: Blurred, distorted or double vision, difficulty focusing on near and far objects.

  4. Presbyopia (Straining Eyesight):

    Description: Presbyopia affects the eye's ability to focus on close objects, especially as we age, it usually occurs after age 40.

    Cause: Gradual loss of flexibility of the lens due to aging.

    Symptoms: Difficulty reading up close, need to move objects further away to focus correctly.

What are the correction options for refractive errors?

Refractive errors can be corrected in several ways, including:

  1. Glasses: Suitable ophthalmic lenses compensate for refractive irregularities and improve vision.
  2. Contact lenses: Thin lenses that are placed on the surface of the eye to correct abnormal refraction.
  3. Refractive surgery: Surgical procedures such as LASIK, PRK, and intraocular lenses can permanently correct refractive errors.

Eye care and medical consultations:

  • Regular Exams: Schedule regular eye exams with an ophthalmologist to detect and correct changes in vision.
  • Proper Use of Devices: If you work with screens, take breaks and maintain an appropriate distance.
  • Sun Protection: Use sunglasses with UV protection to prevent eye damage.

Remember that each person is unique and may have specific needs and conditions. If you experience changes in your vision or concerning symptoms, consult an ophthalmologist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Early correction of refractive errors can significantly improve your visual quality of life.

Alfredo  Ramírez Anaya

Alfredo Ramírez Anaya

Oftalmólogo en Cartagena

Avenida Lacides Segovia #16-60 ,
Cartagena, Colombia

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