Identify your children's natural talent to improve their school performance

Natural Talent is the greatest mental ability that a person has for their performance in certain areas both in school life and in work life, hence the relevance of learning how to identify the natural talent of children to accompany them in their process of full parenting.
What are the areas that reflect a person's natural talent?
The areas or also called Thinking Styles have a functionality in the performance of each person and there are basically four: mathematics, creativity, affectivity and normativity.
In which of these areas are you in Natural Talent?
It can be in any of them and is genetically determined; In other words, from birth it is already located in one of the areas of the cerebral cortex.
What is the best Natural Talent?
None is better than the other. High school performance is given by the affinity that exists between Natural Talent and the school subjects or activities linked to the characteristics of Natural Talent. Poor academic performance appears when Natural Talent is not used or school subjects and activities do not match Natural Talent. The above explains the reason why in the first years of life one has skills to develop that when reaching adolescence and youth become a preference and with the passage of time one can obtain high performance in certain subjects or the opposite, poor performance; when there is no agreement between natural talent and certain subjects.
Are there other causes of poor academic performance?
Yes, because functionality in school performance is not only determined by their thinking styles, but also by the presence of neurological or psychological disorders such as learning and language disorders, anxiety, depression and stress, among others.
If you are interested in these types of topics, we invite you to learn about the psychology and psychiatry care services, developed in our Full Parenting program, where We give talks, advice, workshops and individual intervention for parents, children and their families.
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