Anyone who has missing teeth and wants to restore them. In general, you should have healthy gums, adequate bone volume in the jaw for the size of post to be used, good oral hygiene habits, and a strong bite force or "squeeze" muscle. You must also be fully committed to the proper care of your new teeth to ensure the lifetime success of your implant treatment.
The success rate of dental implants is very high. In fact, it is comparable to the success rate of natural teeth and has become a popular choice for denture wearers. For some patients, however, there are health conditions that may make implant treatment too risky. Patients with uncontrolled diabetes or cancer, smokers, and those who take daily aspirin may not be suitable candidates for implant surgery.
Some patients may not be good candidates for implants because they have significant bone loss and insufficient jawbone to support the post. Also, if you grind your teeth and wear down the bone, they won't be a good option.