
Gynecology and Obstetrics faqs Sogamoso

Gynecology and Obstetrics

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Gynecology and Obstetrics faqs Sogamoso

Why does ovulation hurt?

Ovulatory pain is variable patient to patient, it is due to the rupture of the bag that contains in the ovary. It rarely affects women's health and self-resolves alone or with common pain relievers.

What is breast self-examination?

It is the most important tool for diagnosing breast cancer, it requires repeating and repeating, which generates that you learn to know me and at the slightest change make me consult. Remember that breast cancer prognosis depends on how early you diagnose and treat it.

Is it normal to have vaginal discharge?

Definitely yes, vaginal discharge is a common finding in women, it is usually white without odor, it is useful to have adequate vaginal lubrication, but it should be clarified that it should not generate symptoms such as odor foul, burning, itching, or color changes such as green or yellow. In this case it requires medical evaluation.

Is it normal that it hurts to have sex?

No, recurrent sexual pain should always make us think of some condition that affects female health, for example endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or pelvic musculature problems. It has handling and improvement a lot in expert hands.

How do I know if the hormones are out of control?

Our system that regulates hormones, regulates our life and many manifestations in the menstrual cycle could be associated with hormonal problems, the most common causes are hypothyroidism and hyperprolactinemia, both of which are easy diagnosis and with adequate treatment improve substantially.

I don't have regular cycles, what do I do?

Not having regular cycles is an abnormal condition, most often the woman has monthly cycles, if you present this it is good to seek medical attention, it may be hormonal conditions that are not working properly .

Can I take any birth control pills?

A planning method should never be started on a self-medicated basis, just as they have many beneficial effects, they also have adverse effects that must be evaluated according to each user. Similarly, patients with medical conditions may be candidates for one or the other method, but that should be done by health personnel.

I have been trying to get pregnant for more than 12 months and I am not pregnant. What I can do?

The usual thing is that a couple in normal conditions, achieve a pregnancy in the first year close to 90%, so if I consider that this does not happen, one option is to seek advice for the study of fertility.

What is the Implanon?

This type of implant is a very good planning method, it is safe, but it should always be placed after consulting with health personnel as it could have undesired effects if the user is not chosen well .

What is the cervical cancer vaccine?

A simple way is to consider it as a breakthrough in medicine, being a biologic that prevents one of the deadliest cancers in women. It is safe, useful and effective, I would give it to all the girls in my family.

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