
What I should know about foot and ankle surgery


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What I should know about foot and ankle surgery

In which cases is foot and ankle surgery indicated?

Foot and ankle surgery is indicated in any event in which a patient has pain due to a structural problem of the foot and does not improve with conservative management measures such as physical therapy, insoles, orthotics. In the case of fracture, they are traumatic events that produce deformities that can generate pressure changes in the foot or ankle. In the case of sports injuries such as cartilage injuries, there may be an indication for arthroscopic management.

Are foot and ankle surgery risky?

Foot and ankle surgeries have the most frequent risks of performing any surgery, the patient's history should be assessed and monitored to avoid complications.

What is corrected with foot and ankle surgery?

With foot and ankle surgery, hallux valgus, known as bunion, can be corrected, finger deformities such as claw toes can be corrected, the footprint can be corrected if it is flat foot and I dig what would be the opposite of flat . Foot ulcer.

Is it painful to have foot and ankle surgery?

Foot surgery has a bad reputation but in reality the evolution of anesthetic procedures and post-surgical analgesic management has evolved a lot and those who have undergone procedures realize that it can be a little more limiting because it must be restricted support but the pain is very similar to that of any surgical procedure.

Does foot and ankle surgery cause disability for how long?

Medical disability depends on the surgery being performed, there is small surgery where the patient can walk out with a special shoe and others where support is restricted for up to 3 months, this is indicated when explaining to the patient what it consists of the procedure to be performed and what to expect from its further processing.

What professional is trained to perform foot and ankle surgery?

Well, foot and ankle procedures can be performed by professionals who feel trained to carry them out, but it must be taken into account that at this time there are specialists dedicated solely to assessing foot and ankle pathologies with specializations and multiple courses on the subject. and this makes them have more experience and have a better relevance when making the indication of procedures in different patients.

Should you have rehabilitation therapy after foot and ankle surgery?

Foot and ankle surgery processes are always accompanied by physical therapy, a good rehabilitation goes hand in hand to be able to know if the patient can improve without the need for invasive procedures, many injuries improve with good rehabilitation and management Post-surgical really help us from the management of the scar to the improvement in the recovery of pain and restart of walking, physical therapy is a fundamental part in all orthopedic medical processes.

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