Myorelaxing plates Álvarez & Arráez Odontología Cartagena

Myorelaxing plates

The myorelaxing or resting plates for bruxism consist of a device made of rigid, transparent or colored acrylic, which is generally placed in the upper dental arch. This plate must meet a series of requirements that at Álvarez & Arráez Odontología we are going to provide you, in order to achieve a correct coupling of the anterior teeth and avoid occlusal interferences. This will allow the jaw muscles to relax during sleep and balance the stomatognathic system. The plate will always be rigid and will meet certain characteristics, such as canine guides, which look like little bumps on those teeth. The myorelaxing plates will be completely smooth so that the jaw can slide freely without binding on it. It must be completely balanced and touch the plate with all your teeth when biting it and be

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