Physical therapy Fisioterapias IPS SAS Claudia Díaz Buelvas Barranquilla

Physical therapy

Physical therapy in Barranquilla at Physiotherapy Claudia Díaz. Some of the most common causes for going to physical therapy are: Injuries such as trauma, including burns, fractures (broken bones), traumatic brain injury, and spinal cord injuries. At Claudia Díaz Physiotherapy they are specialists in rehabilitating patients with urinary and fecal incontinence and sexual dysfunctions. Spinal disorders such as low back pain, neck pain and postural changes, spinal cord injuries. Upper limb disorders (rotator cuff, elbow epicondylitis, Quervain's syndrome, hand injuries. Vascular disorders (lymphatic drainage- pressotherapy), rehabilitation of joint replacements, sports injuries and neurological diseases (Parkinson's).

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