Find the professionals in health sector in Colombia that offer Spasticity. Click on each profile to know all the services offered including the Spasticity.
Spasticity in Colombia
Calle 7 No. 39-290, Cons. 905
Clinica Medellin Sede Poblado
Medellín, Colombia
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$240,000 fee for serviceVIEW PROFILE$240,000 fee for service
Physiatry consultation, Electromyography and neuroconduction, Evaluation and management of physical disabilities, Application of BOTOX, Therapeutic platelet-rich plasma
Calle 2 SUR No. 46-55,
Clínica las Vegas
Medellín, Colombia
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Neurosurgery children and adults, Spine Surgery, Herniated Disc Surgery, Scoliosis Correction