
Growth and development consultation by a pediatrician in Barranquilla


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Growth and development consultation by a pediatrician in Barranquilla

How do you perform a growth and development control query?

A growth and development consultation is carried out by a professional trained in the subject, who has the elements to be able to measure, weigh the patient and know how to correctly interpret the growth course.

What is valued in growth and development appointments?

During the growth and development appointment, a complete clinical history should be made, taking into account the patient's history, and weight, height, head circumference and body mass index will be assessed, taking into account the patient's age.

What is the frequency of monitoring the child's growth and development?

Ideally, the frequency of monitoring the growth and development of the child in the first year of life should be monthly.

How many growth and development checkups should a child have?

The number of growth and development checkups a child should have will depend on her age.

What is the importance of assessing the child's growth and development?

Children's growth and development help us diagnose some illnesses, monitor their weight and height. Know if the child is at the right weight or, on the contrary, is malnourished or overweight and thus be able to make special recommendations to parents and caregivers.

In younger children, assess the head circumference (it is the size of the head) and thus be able to detect if there is any neurological alteration and be able to manage it early.

Schedule the growth and development control appointment for your children with the pediatrician Maria Del Pilar Sánchez in Barranquilla Colombia.

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