
Dental biosecurity in times of COVID19 by dentist Tarsys Loayza in Cartagena


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Dental biosecurity in times of COVID19 by dentist Tarsys Loayza in Cartagena

For several decades, dental advances have been contributing to the different strict aseptic protocols, allowing day by day the transcendence of oral technology and that microbial transmissions are controlled in the dental office.

Today, we responsibly face the global alert generated by a microorganism of viral origin -SARS-CoV-2 (Covid 19) that has violated all clinical and social sectors.

Many strategies and protocols have emerged to neutralize its virulence and that have been questioned and accepted by a society full of unknowns in the face of veracity and presence of a lethal being.

It is important to highlight that within the relevant findings of the studies carried out the direct interpersonal transmission routes prevail the inhalation of respiratory droplets (Flügge droplets) and indirect by contact with contaminated surfaces (fomites).

Therefore, the droplets play an important role since they can be deposited in the nasal, oral and conjunctival mucosa and from there cause severe infection.

Direct or indirect interpersonal transmission through saliva can also be a route of transmission and the presence of viral particles in the saliva of infected individuals has been reported. Furthermore, it is suggested that the airway through aerosols is an important route of contamination.

The above takes special care that in many dental procedures aerosols and drops are generated with infectious agents, these can affect health professionals but also spread to surfaces and clinic surroundings. For this reason, in the case of dental care where the distance is minimal, attention to the route of transmission acquires special importance in patient management.

Due to the relevance of the above mentioned, the dental practice then faces a very great challenge due to the vulnerability of contagion. At this point, it is worth mentioning that the use of strict physical barriers as well as disinfection aspects should be reviewed by each of the existing dentists and dental clinics in order to evaluate possible changes or adjustments to what is currently used.

We must not forget one of the basic principles of biosafety which is based on the fact that the exposed worker must follow universal precautions against any individual regardless of whether or not we know their serology or other elements (such as social status, etc.) since can potentially carry and transmit pathogenic microorganisms.

On the other hand, take into account that transmission could occur in contact with asymptomatic and symptomatic patients.

At a time when the majority of the population is not immune and is also looking "Flatten" the contagion curve.

This point is important since biosafety practices seek to avoid and minimize this and other infectious diseases, but this is not limited only to the act of dental care itself, but transcends it and measures appear, such as, for example, space the care schedule to minimize contact times between patients in the waiting room.

Another not minor point is that the investigation of the virus and the infection produced by it is still ongoing, for which there are aspects that are still under study and evolution. This implies that the protocols during this outbreak will be under constant review and update, adapting to the time of the pandemic in order to reduce the risk of contagion.

But focused on the current situation in our country, we must offer ourselves strictly with detergent agents, physical barriers such as masks and shields.

Thorough cleaning of offices and clinics with the different options such as ultraviolet light, environmental nebulizers and ozone-free high-tech air purifiers that will allow protection for the clinician, their support staff and their patients by making latency of this biological threat is weaker every day. Joining forces we defeat this deadly enemy.

He was not far from reality when in 1962 Walter Molino visualized our current reality in a masterful illustration. But with individual and joint conscience and responsibility we will enjoy a wonderful life and we will look to the future with great optimism.

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