
Nutrition and acne by the dermatologist Laura Habib in Bogotá


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Nutrition and acne by the dermatologist Laura Habib in Bogotá

How does diet influence acne?

Diet directly and indirectly influences acne by substances present in food that have been shown to worsen it and also by their relationship with the body, in its different processes. It should be noted that this occurs in patients already susceptible to acne. It influences by promoting the general hormonal environment, such as local conditions in the skin for acne breakouts to develop.

Each patient should choose to eat a balanced diet and limit the triggers of inflammation, which make their acne breakouts worse.

Does exercise influence acne?

Sure it is.

In a positive way: It generates substances that help reduce inflammation in general, promotes the elimination of toxins through sweat and urine.

Negatively: in cases where it is very intense and repeated exercise such as competitors, marathoners or very high performance athletes. Free radicals are generated in excess and this must be counteracted with diet and include antioxidants prescribed by your treating physician.

What type of diet is good for improving acne?

A complete, sufficient and adequate diet. What we know as balanced but also personalized so that it fits exactly to each individual without falling into extreme restrictions or excesses. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, which attack and eliminate free radicals. Those dreaded elements that are generated daily and threaten the health of our cédulas. Probiotics and prebiotics contribute to intestinal health, indirectly influencing the skin, which is why it is known as the gut-skin axis.

These foods should be part of the diet of all acne patients. Additionally, we need proteins and other foods that, depending on the lifestyle of each patient, can complement their correct nutrition, promoting the health of their skin.

What type of diet should I avoid for acne?

Sugar, considering its synonyms as syrups, white flour, etc., is pro-inflammatory, therefore it promotes acne lesions to worsen. This also occurs with processed carbohydrates (packaged foods, cold cuts, sauces, etc.) Milk and its derivatives contain pro-inflammatory proteins such as growth factors, hormones, etc. With a significant increase in acne breakouts.

Sports supplements such as isolated milk protein (Whey protein) in addition to dairy products combined with B vitamins, sugars and other components that enhance inflammation, considerably worsening acne.

Each patient will also have specific conditions and individual sensitivity to food.

In addition to diet, what other factors influence acne?

Everything influences and everything matters.

We have learned and studied the exposome concept, which is everything we expose ourselves to and which influences skin health, acne and many other conditions. They are part of this set in addition to nutrition, genetic inheritance, stress, pollution, solar radiation, exercise, the habit of consuming alcohol, cigarettes, the ambient temperature, the quality and quantity of sleep.


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