
Physiotherapy or physical therapy in Bogotá by Fisioexpress


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Physiotherapy or physical therapy in Bogotá by Fisioexpress

Fisioexpress offers physical therapy and physiotherapy in Bogotá.

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is the profession that is responsible for assisting patients in circumstances where movement and function are altered due to various factors such as aging, injury, pain, disease, disorders or the environment .

What do physical therapists do?

The physiotherapist uses different therapeutic techniques such as manual therapy, myofacial technique, massage among others; Through which it improves the alteration at the musculoskeletal, neurological or cardiorespiratory level that may occur; decreasing pain, improves body mechanics and educates its users so that they can return or carry out their activities normally.

Part of the physiotherapist's work is educational, promoting healthy habits, self-care and conditioning for physical activity.

What are the benefits of physical therapy or physical therapy?

Physiotherapy or physical therapy will help you improve your functional abilities during your day-to-day activities.

When should you attend physiotherapy or physical therapy?

Physiotherapy or physical therapy should be performed when they diagnose low back pain, post-operative, hernias, physical deconditioning, osteoarthritis, cervicalgia, CVD, tendinitis, bursitis, radiculopathy, facial paralysis, multiple trauma, among others. .

How should I prepare for physiotherapy or physical therapy?

To perform physiotherapy or physical therapy, you must wear comfortable clothing (sweatshirt and / or shorts).

What does physical therapy treat in women?

Many would be surprised to learn that Physiotherapy treats many disorders such as:.

  • Urinary or fecal incontinence in both men and women.
  • Treat dyspareunia, pelvic pain.
  • Sexual dysfunction in women.
  • Pre and post pregnancy physiotherapy (Prevention of complications).
  • Other obesity-related ailments, such as back and knee pain.

What are the physiotherapy techniques or physical therapies?

There are different physiotherapy techniques or physical therapies, among them are:

  • Manual therapies: may include manipulation and mobilization of joints, manual resistance training, and stretching.
  • Exercise programs, such as muscle strengtheningar, training, respiratory pattern training and cardiovascular endurance.
  • Electrotherapy techniques, which consist of electrical nerve stimulation.
  • Transcutaneous (TENS), pneumatic traction therapy, physical means such as heat, cold and ultrasound.

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