Strengthen defenses with immune serums for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.
Alternative medicine
Author: José ObregónModified date:
What is fluid therapy?
Suerotherapy is the intravenous supply of micronutrients, trace elements, vitamins and amino acids that are not normally found in such abundance in food; they serve to treat diseases, regenerate and strengthen the immune system by activating defenses.
What is fluid therapy used for?
Serum therapy serves to activate and stimulate the immune system, treat diseases of various kinds and revitalize the body.
Why is serum therapy a good alternative for after Covid?
Serum therapy is a good alternative for after covid; Once our body has overcome this disease, our immune system is weakened by such a hard battle and many are even left with post-Covid complications that can also be treated effectively with serum therapy.
How does serum therapy strengthen the defenses to fight Covid?
Serum therapy is used to help sick patients, prevent and treat covid complications; supplying minerals, trace elements, vitamins and amino acids that help stimulate and strengthen the immune system.
Who can undergo serum therapy treatment after Covid?
The treatment with serum therapy after Covid can be applied by anyone, during and after suffering from covid, but it is important to emphasize the preventive role that this therapy plays, therefore, prevention will always be better than treatment.
Is there any contraindication to undergo serum therapy after Covid?
This therapy has no contraindications and can be applied in children and adults regardless of coexisting diseases.
Schedule your appointment with the alternative doctor José Obregón in Barranquilla.