
What is Lumbociatalgia?


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What is Lumbociatalgia?

Lumbociatalgia defines pain located in the lumbar region, in the lower back, and along the sciatic nerve.

The sciatic nerve or ischial nerve is the longest nerve in the human body and that of larger caliber It leaves several nerve branches at the level of the spine, particularly the roots of the last two lumbar vertebrae L4 and L5 and the first three sacral nerves. After runs along the buttock, the back of the thighs and the back of the knee. In this way, the nerve Sciatic ensures sensitivity and motor skills of the back of the thigh.

The lumbociatalgia appears when the sciatic nerve causes pains that extend throughout its entire path, that is, initially in the lower back, then the buttocks, thighs, legs, feet and so on toes.

We commonly talk about sciatica to define the pain that is. They feel when there are injuries or irritations of this nerve. 

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