Find the professionals in health sector in Barranquilla that offer Bleeding From Urine. Click on each profile to know all the services offered including the Bleeding From Urine.
Bleeding From Urine in Barranquilla
Cra. 30 corredor universitario no 1-850 , Cons. 717
Clinica Portoazul
Barranquilla, Colombia
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$300,000 fee for serviceVIEW PROFILE$300,000 fee for serviceVirtual Guidance
Penis Enlargement, Premature Ejaculation Surgery, No Needle and No Scalpel Vasectomy, Laser Prostate Surgery, Male Infertility, Laparoscopic urology
Calle 85 No. 50 - 37, Cons. 803
Torre Médica Del Mar
Barranquilla, Colombia
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$320,000 fee for serviceVIEW PROFILE$320,000 fee for serviceVirtual Guidance
Neuropsychological, emotional, personality evaluation, cognitive neuropsychological rehabilitation, cognitive behavioral therapy, neurocognitive psychotherapy
Cra 30 corredor universitario No 1-850 , Cons. 715
Clínica Portoazul
Barranquilla, Colombia
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$350,000 fee for serviceVIEW PROFILE$350,000 fee for service
Gynecological consultation, Infertility consultation, Artificial insemination, Tubal recanalization, Gynecological endocrinology
Cra 49C No. 80 - 125, Cons. 707 - 708
Continental Medical Center
Barranquilla, Colombia
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$400,000 fee for serviceVIEW PROFILE$400,000 fee for serviceVirtual Guidance
Aesthetic and Reconstructive Genital Surgery, Platelet Rich Plasma, Sex Therapy, Erectile Dysfunction, Male Infertility
Calle 85 No. 50 - 37, Cons. 303
Torre Médica del Mar
Barranquilla, Colombia
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$250,000 fee for serviceVIEW PROFILE$250,000 fee for serviceVirtual Guidance
Gynecology and obstetrics, Prenatal control, Menopause, Cervical pathology, Colposcopy, Hysterectomy
Cra 51B No. 82 - 141
Barranquilla, Colombia
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Physiotherapy, Physical therapy, Rehabilitation of the pelvic floor, spine, shoulder and hand, lymphatic drainage, pressotherapy
Cra 30 Corredor Universitario No. 1 - 850, Cons. 414
Clínica Portoazul
Barranquilla, Colombia
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VIEW PROFILEVirtual Guidance
Laser vaginal rejuvenation and cosmetics, Urinary incontinence, Specialized gynecology, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy
Sede principal
Calle 80 No. 49C - 32
Barranquilla, Colombia
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Laboratory tests, Home sample collection, Cytology, Spermogram, First trimester screening, Pregnancy test
Cra 30 Corredor Universitario No 1 - 850, Cons. 730
Clínica Portoazul
Barranquilla, Colombia
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$250,000 fee for serviceVIEW PROFILE$250,000 fee for service
Pediatric consultation, Vaccination, Newborn care, Prenatal counseling, Pediatric hospitalization, Childbirth assistance
Cra 30 Corredor Universitario No. 1 - 850, Cons. 516
Clínica Portoazul
Barranquilla, Colombia
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$400,000 fee for serviceVIEW PROFILE$400,000 fee for serviceVirtual Guidance
Coloproctology consultation, Advanced laparoscopic colon and rectal surgery, Diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopy, Anorectal Biofeedback, Colon cancer
Calle 85 No. 50 - 37 , Cons. 811
Torre médica del mar
Barranquilla, Colombia
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Pediatric appointment from 0 to 17 years, Prenatal care check-up appointment, Biological medicine in pediatrics, Complementary feeding
Cra 51B No. 76 - 71, Local 102
Barranquilla, Colombia
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$100,000 fee for serviceVIEW PROFILE$100,000 fee for service
Periodontics, Dental implants, Oral rehabilitation, Dental emergencies, Laser teeth whitening
Calle 85 No. 50 - 37 , Cons. 811
Torre Médica del Mar
Barranquilla, Colombia
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VIEW PROFILEVirtual Guidance
Urinary tract infections, Urinary stones, Urinary incontinence, Male sexual problems
Calle 85 No 50 – 37, Cons. 704
Torre Medica del Mar
Barranquilla, Colombia
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Calle 70 B No. 41 - 43
Barranquilla, Colombia
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Magnetic resonance, Ultrasounds, Biopsy, Tomography, Angioresonance
Cra. 47 No. 84 - 141
Barranquilla, Colombia
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Coloproctology, Gastroenterology, Gastrointestinal surgery, Diagnostic and therapeutic digestive endoscopy, Anoscopy, 3D ano-rectal ultrasound
Calle 11 No 6 - 24
Barranquilla, Colombia
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Calle 85 No. 50 - 159, Con. 507
Quantum tower
Barranquilla, Colombia
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Complementary Feeding Counseling, Picky Eater Program, Healthy Snack Workshop and Nutrition Label Reading, Picky Eater Program, Healthy Snack Workshop and Nutrition Label Reading
Cra 30 Corredor Universitario No. 1 - 850, 415
Barranquilla, Colombia
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Child Neuropsychology, Neuropsychological Assessment, ADHD, Learning Disorders, Autism
Cra 42 No. 80B - 160
Barranquilla, Colombia
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Psychotherapy, Clinical psychology, On-line psychotherapy, Couples therapy
Cra. 48 No. 70-146 Unifetal
Clínica Porto Azul Cons. 421
Barranquilla, Colombia
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Gynecologist consultation, Prenatal control, Fetal ultrasound
Cra 30 Corredor Universitario No. 1 - 850, Cons. 527
Clínica Portoazul
Barranquilla, Colombia
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Cra 50 No. 82 - 168, Cons. 502
Barranquilla, Colombia
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