Frequently Asked Questions


What diseases or problems does the neurosurgeon treat?


The neurosurgeon is responsible for the surgical management of diseases of the central, peripheral and vegetative nervous system.

The most common diseases that neurosurgeons treat are:


The aneurysm is the deterioration or inflammation of an artery which can cause it to rupture.


The aneurysm is the deterioration or inflammation of an artery which can cause it to rupture.

Arteriovenous malformation:

Arteriovenous malformation is an anomaly in the vascular system where clusters of veins and arteries are formed that connect to each other, but without capillaries.

Brain aneurysm:

A cerebral aneurysm is an abnormal thickening of the wall of an artery in the brain, it grows abnormally as a kind of bulge and almost never presents symptoms until it ruptures or bleeding occurs.

Brain tumor:

Brain tumor is a benign or malignant mass that originates in the brain.

Carpal tunnel:

Carpal tunnel is the pinching of a nerve in the wrist that causes numbness in the arm and hand.

Cerebral palsy:

Cerebral palsy is a congenital disorder of movement, posture, or muscle tone.

Cerebral stroke:

Cerebral stroke is a condition arising from the loss of oxygen to the brain, which can cause impairment in one or more brain functions.

Column surgery:

Column surgery is a surgical procedure used to treat emphysema.


Seizures are electrical discharges through neurons giving rise to a brain problem which can be a precedent of multiple pathologies


Craniopharyngioma is a malignant mass that is located in the brain or near the brain mass, causing pressure between different nerves and parts of the brain.


Craniosynostosis is a malformation of the baby due to the cranial sutures closing prematurely.

Disc herniation:

Disc herniation is a separation between discs located between the bones of the spine that cause pain.


Epilepsy is the interruption of the normal activity of brain cells causing seizures, the pathology can be hereditary or caused by external agents such as trauma.

Hemifacial spasm:

Hemifacial spasm (also known as tic convulsion or facial nerve palsy) refers to a one-sided contracture or tightening of facial muscles, more commonly around the mouth.


Hydrocephalus is the agglomeration of fluid in the cranial cavity.


Neurofibromatosis is the formation of tumors in the brain, spinal cord and nerves. It is considered as a genetic disorder.


Parkinson is a drop of dopamine in the brain that creates a movement disorder.


Sciatica is a set of symptoms and pain caused in the lower back. It is caused by an injury or pressure on the sciatic nerve.


Scoliosis presents with a lateral curvature of the spine.

Skull base:

Skull base surgery is a surgery to remove part of the skull base to treat pneumothorax caused by emphysema.


A stroke is a sudden stop in blood flow to the brain. It can be caused by an embolism, thrombus, or blood clot (hematoma). Symptoms include weakness and paralysis on one side of the body, difficulty walking, confusion, and loss of consciousness.

Vascular surgery:

Vascular surgery is surgery that focuses on repairing or rerouting blood vessels. Surgical repair is needed if the abnormal connection between arteries and veins causes symptoms such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, high blood pressure, swelling of body tissues and leg numbness.

Vertebral tumor:

The vertebral tumor is a benign or malignant mass that originates in the spine.

Request an appointment with the best neurosurgeons in Colombia

The neurosurgeons in provide the best care for national and foreign patients. Request your appointment today with the best neurosurgeons in Colombia.

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