Frequently Asked Questions


What diseases or problems does the surgeon treat?


A surgeon is a doctor who can prevent and diagnose a disease through surgery.

The most common diseases that surgeons treat are:


The abscess is the grouping and combination of damaged tissues forming a dome of pus in defense of an infection.

Arteriovenous malformation:

Arteriovenous malformation is an anomaly in the vascular system where clusters of veins and arteries are formed that connect to each other, but without capillaries.


Bruxism is a pathology that a person unconsciously grinds, clenches or grinds their teeth.

Cleft palate:

The cleft palate is a malformation in the fetus during its formation where a separation occurs between the shovel and the lip.

Colon polyps:

Colon polyps are benign tumors located in the digestive tract, colon or rectum.

Congenital malformations:

Congenital malformations are anatomical alterations of the fetus during the gestation process, they can be in organs, system, limbs due to genetic inheritance or environmental factors.


The cyst is a fluid-filled sac that arises in or around an ovary.


Cysts appear as fluid filled sack or sacs. They can occur anywhere in the body but are more common on the skin surface where they form as a result of trapped oil or blocked sebaceous glands. Different to what most people think, cysts are not the same as tumors. A tumor is a group of abnormal cells that has formed because of cancerous changes in some cells.

Deformities of the bones of the face:

Deformities of the bones of the face is the alteration of the symmetry and shape of the face almost always due to jaw problems, although there are more serious pathologies that can cause it.

Deviated nasal septum:

Nasal septum deviation occurs when the nasal wall between the nostrils slides to one side.

Excess body fat:

Excess body fat is the thickening of fat cells due to the retention of lipids in them, which can cause certain health problems.


The gallbladder is a pear-shaped sac located under the liver that stores bile made andby the liver. Bile helps the body digest fats in the diet. The gallbladder also releases signsb experienceile into small intestine to help with digestion. Gallbladder problems may occur when there is may inflammation, swelling, infection ,gallstones, or a blockage due to a tumor or something e individuallse.


The gallbladder is a pear-shaped sac located under the liver that stores bile made andby the liver. Bile helps the body digest fats in the diet. The gallbladder also releases signsb experienceile into small intestine to help with digestion. Gallbladder problems may occur when there is may inflammation, swelling, infection ,gallstones, or a blockage due to a tumor or something e individuallse.


Cleft lip is a malformation of the lip causing separation between the lip and the palate.

Heart disease:

Heart disease, also called cardiovascular disease, is the set of conditions related to the heart and the circulatory system (veins and arteries).

Heart failure:

Heart failure is the inability of the heart to pump oxygenated blood to the rest of the organs.


Hemorrhage is the expulsion of blood through veins, arteries or organs caused by the rupture of any of these.

Hidradenitis suppurativa:

Hidradenitis suppurativa are skin lesions that appear with inflammation or infection of the sweat glands.

Hidradenitis suppurativa:

Hidradenitis suppurativa (also known as acne inversa) is an inflammatory skin disease characterized by deep boil-like lumps under the skin.

Hirschsprung disease:

Hirschsprung disease is a congenital disorder characterized by an absence of nerves cells in sections of the large intestine.


Keratoacanthoma is a skin mass resulting from sun exposure.

kidney transplant:

Kidney transplantation is the placement or transfer of a kidney through a surgical activity in which a damaged kidney is replaced and the patient's kidney function is restored.


Mastectomy is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon removes all or part of the breast tissue.


Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. It occurs when melanocytes, pigment producing cells, become cancerous.


La obesidad es el aumento de peso no sano, ocasionado por una dieta inadecuada sumada al sedentarismo.

Onychectomy :

The onychectomy is the extraction of the nail completely or partially.

Ovarian cyst:

Ovarian cysts are a fluid-filled sac or sac that forms on or within an ovary and one or more may form within the same ovary.


Pancreatitis is defined as swelling and inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreatitis usually happens when digestive enzymes that are supposed to break down the body's food stay in the pancreas and begin breaking down tissues. The pancreas is a gland behind stomach that helps with digestion by producing insulin and other hormones, and making pancreatic juice that helps enzymes digest the food we eat.

Pilonidal sinus:

The pilonidal sinus is a neoplasm located in the coccyx abnormally with skin and hair.

Polycystic kidney disease:

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder that causes fluid-filled cysts to grow on the kidneys, which may lead to renal failure.


Thrombosis occurs when there is an obstruction due to the formation of clots inside a blood vessel.

Tonsil cáncer:

Tonsil cancer is rare cancer that begins in the tissues of the tonsils. Symptoms may include neck mass, sore throat, and earache.


Trauma is injury or physical damage caused by an external agent.

Trigger finger:

Trigger finger occurs when a finger gets stuck in a bent position.

Uterine myomatosis:

Uterine myomatosis consists of the formation of benign tumors due to the alteration of the muscle fibers of the myometrium.

Varicose veins:

Varicose veins, or varicose veins, are twisted and dilated veins caused by an abnormal accumulation of blood. Any vein can be varicose but usually appear on the legs.

Varicose veins:

Varicose veins are small clogged vessels that are usually marked above the skin and sometimes cause pain.


Vasculitis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the body causing inflammation of the blood vessels.

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