Frequently Asked Questions


What doctor or specialist should I go for apraxia of speech?

Apraxia of speech

Apraxia of speech (AOS) is a loss or impairment in the ability to voluntarily produce or coordinate the movements necessary for producing understandable speech sounds for communication, despite intact motor function. A common misconception is that people with apraxia have a problem understanding language; however, it is an inability to produce language. The term 'apraxia' is often used as a general term for many "speech disorders", as opposed to AOS, which is the loss of motor control over non-verbal structures.

To treat apraxia of speech the most common doctors or specialists are:

Speech language pathologist :

The speech therapist is the professional specialist in speech, language, social and cognitive communication and swallowing disorders.

Request an appointment with the best doctors and health professionals for apraxia of speech in Colombia

Remember that for the proper selection of health professional that treats apraxia of speech you must consider the nature, severity and symptoms you are presenting.

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