
All about complementary feeding by pediatrician in Barranquilla, María Del Pilar Sánchez


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All about complementary feeding by pediatrician in Barranquilla, María Del Pilar Sánchez

After how many months can I start giving the baby complementary feeding?

Complementary feeding ideally begins at the sixth month of life if the baby has been exclusively breastfed. However, it is important to make an assessment to determine what is the best time.

With what foods can I start complementary feeding?

Complementary feeding begins with fruits, vegetables and foods rich in iron such as meats. Even foods such as eggs and fish that previously started at one year of life, it is recommended to start from the sixth month.

With how many foods per day do you start complementary feeding?

It starts with one food a day, this more than anything is to see tolerance and allergies.

How long after I have been giving him complementary feeding can I stop breastfeeding?

As its name indicates, complementary feeding is complementary to breastfeeding, this does not mean that because feeding has already started it should be suspended. Ideally, breastfeeding should be given as long as possible, including the world health organization recommends it at least up to 2 years of life.

Will the change of complementary feeding affect the baby's sleep?

Complementary feeding does not affect the baby's sleep. Sleep can be altered at this age, as a normal maturation process. It is important to know that sleep in humans is an evolutionary process and reaches maturity around 7 years of life.

How can I help my baby adapt to complementary feeding?

The most important thing about complementary feeding is for the child to explore and play with food, as this will help him to easily adapt to the feeding process. It is very important not only to start with healthy foods, but to teach our children to eat healthy, since with this we could avoid almost 70% of chronic diseases in adults. This goes hand in hand with a daily physical activity.

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