
Blepharoplasty in Colombia, Everything about eyelid surgery - Prices 2023

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Blepharoplasty in Colombia, Everything about eyelid surgery - Prices 2023

What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty, sometimes called an eyelid lift, is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat, skin, and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids.

Signs of aging that can be improved with a blepharoplasty are drooping upper lids with bags under the eyes, loose or sagging skin on the upper lids, and a bulge of fat that appears on the sides of the eyes.

Other reasons for blepharoplasty include drooping lower eyelids that limit vision or removing a "hood" effect over the eyes that can make you look tired.

While these signs are often associated with aging, people of any age can experience them. If the fall is caused by heredity, surgery can be considered from the age of 18. Some people may only need a few millimeters of upper eyelid skin removed or less lower eyelid tissue. Other people need a more extensive repair.

This surgical procedure is performed primarily to refresh the face and restore a more youthful appearance. In addition, it can be used when excess skin on the upper eyelid impedes vision.

See before and after blepharoplasty in Colombia

blepharoplasty colombia

What problems are improved with blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty can improve the following problems:

  • Loose or sagging upper eyelid skin.
  • A drooping eyebrow (brow ptosis).
  • Drooping upper eyelids that cover the pupil too much (entropion) or watery eyes (epiphora).
  • Bags under the eyes.
  • Swollen eyelids (blepharitis).
  • Excess fat deposits around the eyes (periorbital fat herniation).
  • Loss of eyelashes (madarosis).

How to prepare for a blepharoplasty?

Prior to surgery, your plastic surgeon in Colombia will perform a complete eye exam, including measurements of the upper eyelids, the height and position of the eyebrows, the distance between the eyes (intercanthal distance), tear production , muscle function around the eyes, position of the eyelashes or eyebrows, drooping or hooded eyebrows over the eyes. Your plastic surgeon will also ask about any history of dry eyes to make sure your surgery doesn't make the condition worse.

  • Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol for a certain period of time before surgery. Blepharoplasty involves an incision near the eyelashes, so if you smoke or drink excessively, these habits can make it difficult for wounds to heal. If you smoke, it is very important that you stop smoking at least two weeks before your surgery.
  • Avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen sodium, dizziness and severe pain may occur. Instead, you should take acetaminophen (Tylenol) for mild pain relief.
  • Before surgery you should stop using makeup at least two weeks before surgery, skin creams containing Retinol or Retin A, and other products containing alpha hydroxy acids.
  • After midnight the night before surgery, do not drink any more fluids. The anesthesia can cause problems if you vomit during surgery. It is important that your stomach is completely empty of any liquid.
  • Take your usual medications with a small sip of water, avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior to surgery.

What happens after blepharoplasty surgery?

Consult and follow the instructions that your plastic surgeon gives you. Generally these are some of the indications:

  • You should only wash the area around the eyes gently with mild soap and warm water 4 days after surgery to remove any crusting that may have formed.
  • You can use cold compresses to help reduce swelling and bruising. The sutures dissolve, but swelling and bruising may gradually return over a period of up to six months.
  • You should generally see your plastic surgeon three times during this time: two weeks, one month, and three months after surgery.

How much does blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery cost in Colombia?

Blepharoplasty has an approximate value between $4,000,000 and $8,000,000 pesos in Colombia depending on the needs of the patient if 2 or 4 eyelids are performed. In dollars, the average value of the 2 eyelid surgery would be $1100USD and the value of the 4 eyelid surgery would be $1825 UDS. As with any surgery, the cost will depend on how extensive your procedure is. You should have a consultation to determine the specifics of what you need before proceeding with treatment. Your plastic surgeon may offer you two methods of blepharoplasty: one that slightly raises the brow and one that raises it significantly.

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Types of blepharoplasty?

There are two types of blepharoplasty: upper and lower.

  • Upper eyelid blepharoplasty removes excess fat, muscle, and skin from the upper eyelids to reduce puffiness and sagging. The incision goes under the lashes in a natural crease along the lash line. The incision can be closed with a simple stitch or an incision hidden under the lashes.
  • Lower lid blepharoplasty removes the fat under the lower lids, resulting in a more open and alert gaze. The incisions are made inside the eyelids along the lash line, and the stitches are often hidden.
  • Upper and lower blepharoplasty can be used alone or together to produce a more rested and youthful appearance.
  • It is important that you carefully examine the before and after photos to make an informed decision and get the results you expect. Your plastic surgeon will help guide your decision.

How long does a Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery take?

A blepharoplasty procedure generally takes one to two hours.

What is the recovery time for a blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty recovery time is usually one to two weeks. It depends on your case, the surgeon in Colombia will indicate the exact time.

What is the disability time for a blepharoplasty?

The disability time for a blepharoplasty is usually 8 to 15 days.

What is the postoperative care of blepharoplasty surgery?

After surgery, you will be prescribed antibiotics and pain relievers. You will have points that must be removed between threeand five days after surgery. Your eyes may swell for several weeks, making it difficult to open or see. During this time, avoid rubbing your eyes to prevent infection. You will need eye drops for several weeks after surgery to help with dryness and pain. In general, you may have temporary double vision, swelling, sensitivity to light, pain, and discomfort.

How long do the results of Blepharoplasty last?

The results of a blepharoplasty usually last up to ten years before a touch-up is necessary.

When will I see the final results of a blepharoplasty?

You will see the final results of a blepharoplasty after eight to 12 weeks. Eyelid surgery is permanent, but the swelling and bruising around the eyes can take up to six months to completely go away. Scars will fade and become less noticeable over time and may be difficult to see after a year.

Is blepharoplasty surgery permanent?

Eyelid surgery is not generally considered a permanent procedure because it lasts a limited time and can be reversed, but results vary from person to person. It all depends on the condition and individual body type of each patient.

What procedures will I need after a blepharoplasty?

Some patients may need a brow lift or forehead lift to help create a more rested appearance, but it varies from patient to patient.

Which doctor can do a blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a delicate procedure that requires the discerning eye of an experienced specialist. A plastic surgeon or ophthalmologist (eye plastic) can assess whether this cosmetic surgery option will provide you with the desired results and help restore your confidence.

Can I have a Blepharoplasty with other procedures?

It is not recommended to have a blepharoplasty done at the same time as another surgery because there will be too much swelling and bruising. However, the surgeon in Colombia is the one who decides whether or not it is suitable for other procedures.

At you find the best plastic surgeons in the country.

Click to see the list of the best plastic surgeons in Colombia

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Links of interest about blepharoplasty in Colombia:

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