
Physical activity and muscle pain by orthopedist Andrés de la Espriella


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Physical activity and muscle pain by orthopedist Andrés de la Espriella

What is muscle pain?

Muscle pain is one that is produced by a group of muscle fibers secondary to trauma, disease, tumor and / or fatigue, among the most common causes.

Why does exercise give muscle pain?

Muscle pain due to exercise in most cases is due to accumulation of lactic acid, however, it can also be due to pathologies of the fiber itself such as distention or tears, or less common due to systemic ailments or inadequate technique during the sports activity, among other causes.

If I get muscle pain, should I stop exercising?

We must know our own body, if we feel a muscle pain for the first time that is unusual, the ideal is to stop immediately. If the pain is due to a feeling of fatigue or tiredness, the ideal is to lower the intensity of the exercise to avoid injury. If it persists, stop the exercise entirely.

How is muscle pain cured?

The cure for muscle pain depends on the etiology. In most cases, rest and good hydration is enough, however, if the pain persists, is very intense or presents some type of change in the skin such as bruises, it is best to consult a specialist.

Is it advisable to take pills for muscle pain?

Medication is a good option when muscle pain persists for more than 24 hours or is very intense, always recommended by a doctor and avoid self-medication as much as possible.

Can I stretch to relieve muscle pain?

In pain due to fatigue, cramp or contracture, gentle and progressive stretching exercises can be performed, however, it is always better to prevent than to treat, that is why good hydration, nutrition and stretching before and after activity is ideal. .

When should I see a specialist for muscle pain?

In case of being a frequent professional or recreational athlete, it is always ideal to keep a routine follow-up by the sports specialist to take care of the entire musculoskeletal system, there are different procedures such as discharge massages, infiltrations with viscosupplementation and / or nutritional supplementation . In case of low intensity exercise, consult in case of chronic pain, high intensity pain or no improvement with previous conventional medication.


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