Sex during pregnancy by the sexologist Mauren Castilla
Author: Mauren CastillaModified date:
Can I have sex with my partner if I am pregnant?
Sexuality in pregnancy can and should be lived fully without fear. With adequate medical support, the couple will be able to complete this stage of their life without regrettable consequences. Let's start by clarifying that sexuality includes: communication, physical contact, company, security and commitment.
What aspects should I consider with my partner about sex during pregnancy?
The couple must consider the different hormonal changes, mood, body image and anxiety about the final result of pregnancy, they will cause more in women than men, alteration of their sexual desire to be intimate. However, she will be the woman most hungry for the need for hugs, consent, dedication and tenderness. Thus, there can be sexual intercourse in the couple without the need for intercourse.
Is it true that women hate sex during pregnancy?
Some women may at first choose to "hate" her partner or to annoy him, unconsciously blaming him for suffering all the discomforts associated with the first trimester of pregnancy such as nausea, vomiting, excessive sleepiness and weakness. They will tolerate your cologne and strong mood less and remember that this lasts about 13 weeks. And this poor man in abstinence!
What should I do if my partner hates sex during pregnancy?
Well, if your partner hates sex during pregnancy, caresses, manual stimulation and intimacy as a couple should be encouraged in these cases, without the need for it to be the penetration required to achieve adequate sexual satisfaction. This is even more necessary if there has been a threat of abortion, urinary tract infection (cystitis), bleeding after a previous sexual intercourse or if you have vaginitis. The state of pregnancy is a stage in a woman's life in which physiological changes occur, that is, as a normal function, as an adaptation to the new state of the body.
Can sex during pregnancy cause a urinary infection?
In such a way, due to these adaptive states, urinary tract infections in pregnancy can appear, becoming the most frequent medical complication of pregnancy, and can even present as asymptomatic bacteriuria (presence of pathogenic bacteria in the bladder, without causing symptoms in women), and it will only be detected if a urinalysis or urine culture is performed at any time during pregnancy. It must be treated by your doctor as it can progress to a more complex infection and put the pregnancy at risk.
How can I avoid UTIs from having sex during pregnancy?
Even more in these cases, the recommendation to avoid urinary infections due to having sex during pregnancy is to evacuate the bladder before and after sexual intercourse with intercourse (penetration), it is essential. Remember that having suffered a urinary infection in the first trimester predisposes to new episodes throughout pregnancy and even in the puerperium, (after delivery)