
The importance of cleaning your tongue and washing your mouth in the morning

Alternative medicine

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The importance of cleaning your tongue and washing your mouth in the morning

Imagine eating from the same dirty plate every day and never washing it. Sounds ugly right?

Well, the same thing happens with our body when we do not wash, or clean our mouth and tongue every morning when we wake up.

I have asked several of my patients if they clean their mouth and tongue in the morning before starting to eat (even water). Many answer me no, and I do not blame them, since in our society, education or culture it is not something that has been considered so important; until a while ago, when we have given the importance it deserves to this simple, but powerful daily care advice, already described for millennia in Ayurveda Medicine.

Our body performs detoxification and internal cleansing processes every night while we sleep, and deposits these toxins on the surface of the tongue.

So, by removing them by cleaning the tongue and mouth, we are preventing them from entering our system again; otherwise, we are returning all that dirt to our interior, which can bring diseases in the long term, as Ayurveda explains.

Beyond this cleansing action, the importance of this practice is given by its beneficial effect on agni or digestive fire, on which all our metabolism depends.

In practice it would be like this:

When you get up and before eating any food or water, look at your tongue in the mirror, as this can also give you information about pathological processes that may be occurring in your body. The tongue should appear pink with a thin white coating on its surface and easily removable.

Clean your tongue with a special cleaner which is a long, thin and flat piece of metal that bends in a “U” shape, if you don't have it (many healthy markets sell it today), you can use a spoon stainless steel. Stand in front of a mirror and stick your tongue out. Place the scraper or spoon (by the edge of the tip), as far back as possible on your tongue, and pull the scraper or spoon toward the tip of the tongue. With firm but GENTLE pressure. With the spoon you should pass it over the entire surface of the tongue, one area at a time. Rinse the implement and repeat until your tongue looks clean (usually 5-10 times).

Then brush your teeth normally.

Now if you can start eating food, warm water or a warm infusion is recommended according to your constitution.

And you, do you already do this daily care practice?

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