
Today's trend... ¡Naturally beautiful smiles! By dentist Tarsys Loayza Roys


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In recent years we have heard terms related to the perfection of the smile, making dental aesthetics a paradigm of modern life.

In our day to day there are different concepts that are oriented to have similarities with Hollywood smiles, but today modern dentistry directs perfection towards what is natural. Teeth can be lengthened, lightened, aligned, corrected to have healthy and very attractive smiles.

With the advent of technologies together with the expertise of the clinician, we achieve spectacular smiles with techniques that are aimed at achieving what is desired without wearing down the teeth, such as:

  • Laser whitening
  • Veneers or veneers
  • Dental contact lenses or lumineers

Other oral conditions require dental and oral preparations such as crowns and implants. All of the above allows us to consider options and materials with excellent final results.

It is important to note that we must choose the correct materials to avoid color changes and future fractures.

The quality materials each have a physical-clinical objective and we must not vary their absolute indications, this contributes to an exhaustive planning. It is essential to inform patients of the specifications and durability of existing materials, for example: resins, lithium disilicate, zirconia, etc. where proper and indicated use should NOT be skimped for its value because unsatisfactory results may occur, says this prominent Colombian dentist.

What are the parameters to achieve perfection and naturalness?

In an aesthetic dental treatment, everything that inspires current modernity, the identity of our lives, of our today, must come together. A beautiful smile allows you to project class, distinction, success and sensitivity, all this under reliable standards of quality and excellence.

How is quality and perfection achieved?

A thorough and responsible planning is infused with technology, excellence and the highest standards to meet the objectives of a successful outcome. Not only do clinical elements and professional training converge in his production, but also the art that greatly influences, "The clinical vision is linked to academic training but perfection is linked to skill and artistic sensitivity," says Dr. Loayza Roys.< /p>

Today's society is heading towards perfection, smiles do not escape this futuristic paradigm, today they are filled with the artistic and the clinical with the iconic touch of natural creation.

Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys
Colombian Master Dentistry

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