
Understanding and Overcoming Depression: Signs, Symptoms, and Strategies for Recovery


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Understanding and Overcoming Depression: Signs, Symptoms, and Strategies for Recovery

How do I know if I am in depression?

The main symptoms of depression are varied, some of these are presenting a feeling of discouragement or sadness every or almost every day, losing interest in things that were previously enjoyed, feeling of tiredness, changes in appetite and pattern of sleep (eating more than normal or losing appetite, sleeping much more than usual or experiencing insomnia), you may also experience a feeling of guilt or be very critical of yourself.

What is better for depression, psychologist or psychiatrist?

Depending on the frequency, intensity and duration of the symptoms (severity), your case may be treated by a clinical psychologist only or, if necessary, a referral will be made to a psychiatrist. This referral is generally made when the symptoms significantly interfere with the person's functioning, when there is presence of suicidal ideation and/or self-harming behavior.

Interdisciplinary work improves the effectiveness of therapy.

What type of psychologist treats depression?

A depressive disorder should be treated by a psychologist with specialized studies in the clinical area, mainly in psychology approaches based on scientific evidence. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), some of these approaches or treatments are second and third generation therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Functional Behavior Analysis Therapy, Behavioral Activation Therapy for depression, among others. Do your research very well and make sure your therapist has the necessary studies to give you the help you need.

What does a psychologist do with a patient with depression?

Depending on the approach of each psychologist, strategies may vary. From the cognitive-behavioral approach, we will focus on using techniques that allow us to change unhealthy or negative patterns of thinking and behavior, we will work on identifying and questioning distorted or irrational thoughts, ideas, rules and beliefs to learn to change them and promote positive behaviors and improve the management of your emotions. I'll wait for you in consultation.

How to combat depression?

  • Seek professional help.
  • Keep a routine.
  • Exercise.
  • Connect with others.
  • Practice self-compassion.
  • Learn stress management techniques.
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs.

María Isabel González Ahumada, a clinical psychologist in Barranquilla, is an expert in addressing issues related to depression. Don't hesitate to schedule your consultation to begin your path to emotional well-being.


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