
What you should know about muscle aging by orthopedist Andrés De La Espriella


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What you should know about muscle aging by orthopedist Andrés De La Espriella

What is muscle aging?

Muscle aging is a multifactorial process (biological, psychospiritual, social), but fundamentally biological, where there is a loss of lean mass in a process known as sarcopenia, which leads to loss of muscle power, deformities and decrease of joint mobility among others.

At what age does muscle aging begin?

Muscle aging is a physiological process that begins from conception, however, the decrease in lean mass begins at approximately 35 years in men and 40 years in women, the latter closely related to menopause. The maximum peak of muscle mass is at 25 years and there is a loss of approximately 40% at 80 years.

How to prevent muscle aging?

Muscle aging can be prevented with physical activity, balanced diet, hormonal control, dietary supplements if necessary, among others.

What vitamins can be taken to prevent muscle aging?

For muscle aging there are multiple drugs on the pharmaceutical market where we find hydrolyzed collagen, proteins, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, creatine, omegas etc ... each case must be individualized and studied in conjunction with orthopedics, nutrition and in some cases with physiotherapists.

What diseases does muscle aging bring?

Muscle aging brings cramps, joint stiffness, deformities, loss of gait, loss of balance, fatigue.

What exercises are recommended to prevent muscle aging?

The exercises that are recommended to prevent muscle aging vary depending on age, medical history and the degree of activity of each patient, from walks to high-performance sports, which is why orthopedic and medical evaluation is always important. differentiate what is physical activity, exercise and sport, differences that can be seen in Igtv of @drandresdelaespriella.

What is the treatment for muscle aging?

The treatment for muscle aging ranges from the preventive that we already mentioned earlier such as physical activity, the therapeutic such as hormonal control or the control of present diseases to the social and mental. A healthy mind in a healthy body.


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