
Work and natural talent


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Work and natural talent

What is natural talent?

Talent is defined as the ability, capacity, and speed that human beings have to carry out certain trades and professions and to solve daily problems, living wisely and with minimal mental effort.

Why do human beings not have the same skills to work, study or solve problems?

From the neurophysiological point of view, Jung, Ackerman, Benzinger and others, found that in the brain there are four types of natural talents and that they called them "styles of thinking" and this is the reason why human beings do not think, nor do we have the same skills to work, study or solve problems.

The above has no relation to intelligence; The relationship is that one of the four talents is more efficient than the other three and is called "dominant". If this dominant thought or natural talent coincides with the trade or profession that the person exercises, they have a high performance in their work or academic activity without greater mental requirements and are successful.

What are those styles of thinking?

Humans from the neurophysiological point of view have several ways or ways of thinking (styles), clearly delimited and located in the in the cerebral cortex. There are four of them and each one determines the attitudes and behaviors of people towards learning, towards work and in personal relationships.

We will describe each of the styles of thinking with their main characteristics.

  • Mathematical logical thinking is rational, analytical, planning has leadership skills, very studious. Develop personal and business plans based on statistics, the economy, mathematics in general. Feels good with power in his hand and easily reaches managerial positions.
  • Creative thinking is innovative, focuses on the future, intuits trends in fashion, economics, science, art. Always in an attitude of change towards the new, is imaginative, and has artistic gifts.
  • Social thought is given to serve others, provide social services, expressive, spiritual, conflict mediator, in solidarity with others, very emotional.
  • Normative thinking is attached to the rules, laws, statutes, very dedicated to what it does, duty-bearer, very responsible with its obligations, strict with itself and with others.

The above ways of thinking are related to the speed of communication between neurons in certain areas of the cerebral cortex and therefore have a genetic origin and are not learned.

What is the best thinking style?

Neither is better than the other. The advantage is that if the trade or profession that is practiced coincides with the style of thinking that the person possesses, his or her academic or work performance is easier and more productive with a minimum of mental effort.

Tomado de Benziger Katherine PH.D. Maximizando 2.000


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