Frequently Asked Questions


What diseases or problems does the psychologist treat?


A psychologist is a mental health specialist who studies and understands people's behavior.

The most common diseases that psychologists treat are:


Addictions are the uncontrolled and excessive use of substances or other actions in search of satisfaction or reward.


AIDS is the acronym for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, a disease caused by the HIV virus which attacks the immune system preventing the body from fighting infections.

Alcohol addiction:

Alcohol addiction is a serious form of substance use disorder that is characterized by compulsive drinking despite negative consequences. It often involves physical dependence on the drug, requiring more frequent or larger doses of alcohol to achieve the same level of intoxication. People with alcohol addiction often experience a variety of unpleasant symptoms such as blackouts, depression, and anxiety. Withdrawal from alcohol can be dangerous and should only be attempted under medical supervision. Professional help is often needed to successfully break an addiction to this powerful drug.

Anorexy Nervosa :

Anorexia Nervosa (Anorexia) is a condition involving severe abnormal eating behavior.


Anxiety disorders are conditions that cause feelings of intense fear or discomfort.


Aphasia is a disorder in the part of the brain that controls language, making reading, writing and expressing what you want to say difficult.

Asperger syndrome:

Asperger's syndrome is a developmental disorder that mostly affects communication, relationships, and social development.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD):

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder in hyperactive children and adolescents with difficulty paying attention and impulsivity.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD):

Autism spectrum disorder is a brain disorder that you are born with and whose main characteristics are the difficulty of socializing, communicating and behaving socially

Aversion to sex:

The aversion to sex is irrational fear and rejection in sex.

Bipolar disorder:

Bipolar disorder is a mental pathology in which the individual has sudden mood swings.


Bulimia is a psychological eating disorder that affects the appetite, the individual moves away from food or overeats and then expels it by force and by different means.

Cannabis addiction:

Cannabis addiction

Cocaine addiction:

Cocaine addiction is a severe form of drug dependence that can be both mentally and physically destructive. It is characterized by an intense craving for the drug, compulsive use despite damaging consequences, and physical dependence that requires more frequent or larger doses of cocaine to achieve the same level of intoxication. People with cocaine addiction often experience a variety of unpleasant symptoms including paranoia, restlessness, depression, and loss of appetite.


Dementia is a deficiency of mental faculties, usually progressive, due to age or illness. Dementia alters memory, reason and behavior.


Depression is a mental illness responsible for causing deep sadness, low self-esteem, lack of mood, loss of interest in everything and decreased psychic functions.


Dyslexia is a reading difficulty whose origin derives from neurodevelopment, it is characterized by the confusion of the order of the letters while reading.


Grief is a painful feeling related to the physical or emotional loss of something or someone you love.


Dysphemia or stuttering is a speech disorder based on abnormalities in language fluency.

Eating disorders:

Eating disorders are those related to eating, either from overeating or lack of nutrition for psychological reasons.

Emotional intelligence:

Inteligencia emocional es un conjunto de capacidades y habilidades psicológicas, gracias al conocimiento de nuestros propios sentimientos y emociones.

Existential crisis:

The existential crisis generates a feeling of sadness and questioning, since it implies a change in the personality, each person experiences it in a different way and intensity; That is why it is important to have the services of a psychologist.

Family planning:

Family planning is the practices carried out by a couple to control the conception of babies through the use of contraceptive methods in sexual practice.

Female sexual dysfunction:

Female sexual dysfunction is the decrease and even disappearance of sexual fantasies and thoughts causing a significant change in the habitual sexual behavior of women avoiding sexual intercourse.


Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disease characterized by painful sensation and persistent tiredness.


Hopelessness is the absence of hope, of not finding alternatives or solutions to problems.


Insomnia is a sleep disorder that occurs when people have trouble falling or staying asleep.


El bullying o acoso escolar, es una serie de comportamiento violento e intimidatorio entre niños de manera verbal, física o psicológica normalmente en ambientes escolares o fuera de estos.

Learning disorders:

Learning disorders is the child's ability to process, receive, store and analyze information. This disorder usually occurs in school-age children.

Methamphetamine addiction:

Methamphetamine addiction is a serious form of substance abuse that can cause severe physical and psychological damage. It is characterized by an intense craving for the drug, compulsive use despite damaging consequences, and physical dependence that requires more frequent or larger doses of methamphetamine to achieve the same level of intoxication. People with methamphetamine addiction often experience insomnia, paranoia, aggression, and extreme mood swings. Withdrawal from methamphetamine can be incredibly difficult and even life-threatening without professional help.

Multiple sclerosis:

It is a pathology in which an abnormal and progressive hardening of tissues or organism is represented. It mainly affects the blood vessels and the nervous system.

Obsessive compulsive disorder:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a mental health condition that causes people to have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, ideas, or sensations (obsessions), and to repeat behaviors or rituals (compulsions) in an attempt to control the thoughts or rid themselves of the obsession.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder are those irrational and impulsive thoughts that cause anxiety and / or compulsions.

Opioid addiction:

Opioid addiction is a severe form of drug dependence characterized by compulsive opioid use despite damaging consequences. It often involves physical dependence on the drug, requiring more frequent or larger doses of opioids to achieve the same level of intoxication. People with opioid addiction often experience nausea, pain, insomnia, and constipation.

Panic attacks:

Panic attacks are an event of fear or anxiety with no apparent threat.

Permanent sadness:

Permanent sadness is a mood disorder where there is fatigue, listlessness, apathy and / or despair.

Post-traumatic stress disorder:

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a disorder following a sudden event or trauma from a terrifying or devastating situation.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD):

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) manifests with symptoms of severe depression, tension before menstruation and irritability. They are more intense than those seen with premenstrual syndrome.


Schizophrenia is a mental pathology, where the deterioration of mental capacities such as emotions, perceptions, will and thoughts is evidenced.

Self esteem:

Conjunto de percepciones, valoraciones y apreciaciones que un individuo tiene de sí mismo. El juicio puede ser positivo o negativo.

Sex addiction:

Sex addiction is the all too frequent need and desire to have sex.

Sexual dysfunction:

Sexual dysfunction is a difficulty that prevents individual enjoyment during sexual intercourse.

Sleeping disorders:

Sleeping disorders are conditions that affect the ability to sleep properly and arise from a variety of causes. Neuropathic pain can be divided into two main categories, central and peripheral.


Smoking is addiction to tobacco.

Stress :

Stress is a pathology that usually triggers multiple physical and emotional disorders.

Substance abuse:

Substance abuse is the excessive use of psychoactive substances.

Tussi addiction:

Tussi addiction is a form of opioid dependency that can be incredibly difficult to break. It is characterized by intense cravings for the drug, compulsive use despite damaging consequence, and physical dependence that requires more frequent or larger doses of tussi to achieve the same level of intoxication. People who suffer from tussi addiction often experience a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, including anxiety, nausea, pain, and insomnia. Withdrawal from tussi can also be extremely difficult and lead to dangerous health complications. Professional help is often needed to successfully break an addiction to this powerful opioid.

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