
Tips from dermatologist Laura Habib on how to prevent cold sores


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Tips from dermatologist Laura Habib on how to prevent cold sores

Have you ever had cold sores or cold sores?

Those pesky rashes are caused by the herpes simplex virus. It is a virus that is characterized by the fact that from the first time it has come into contact with our body, it can remain for years traveling secretly, between our skin and our nerves. At any time the fire or cold sore is stimulated by stress (triggered by a physical, emotional, surgical event, etc.) and causes tiny vesicles to clump together and form scabs. They can become extremely painful and generate a burning sensation.

In injury episodes, in addition to (oral) antiviral treatment, knowing what to do to prevent future crises is key.

How to avoid cold sores or cold sores?

Avoid foods rich in arginine, a protein that strengthens the external structure of the virus. These foods are:

alimentos evitar herpes labial
  • Chocolate
  • Crispetas/popcorn
  • Walnuts
  • Peanut
  • Asparagus
  • Strawberries
  • Pineapple
  • Beer
  • Raisins
  • Cow's milk
  • Sports supplements (eg whey protein)

Increases the consumption of:

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  • Red meats
  • White meats
  • Egg
  • Legumes

These foods are rich in Lysine, a protein that competes with arginine and can inhibit it, thus helping to prevent crises and reduce their intensity.

To strengthen the immune system and do prophylaxis (crisis prevention) supplements of L-Lysine and immunomodulatory antioxidants are also used. Talk to your dermatologist to prescribe them, adjusting your dose and treatment time to your personal case.

Don't forget to mention your history of cold sores or cold sores whenever you go to a doctor's appointment.

The virus can wake up after performing procedures such as dermabrasions, peels, injectables, lasers and other technologies.

Take care and beautify your skin!

Laura Sofía Habib Araújo
Bogota, Colombia


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