
How can acupuncture help in managing stress and anxiety?


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How can acupuncture help in managing stress and anxiety?

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where small, thin needles are used, which are inserted into specific points on the body, called resonators. It is a very non-invasive therapy, since the insertion of the needles is carried out in the superficial layer of the skin and is not painful. These body points are connected to organs and systems, they stimulate specific functions in the nervous and cardiovascular systems, etc.

How does acupuncture work to address stress and anxiety?

Acupuncture stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which gives us rest and relaxation. Stimulating certain points on the body sends a signal to the brain that it is safe and can calm down. Studies have shown that the application of needles permanently activates nerve pathways and, consequently, endorphins (natural internal painkillers) are released, which provide a feeling of well-being.

What are the proven benefits of acupuncture in managing stress and anxiety?

Acupuncture is a treatment that improves stress and anxiety levels, and in a world where drugs are largely used to address this condition, acupuncture is a very valid option and free of the side effects of the drugs. pharmacological medications. In just a few sessions, the person can already experience the positive effects of the therapy.

What types of conditions related to stress and anxiety can be treated with acupuncture?

  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Concerns
  • Fears
  • Tachycardia or palpitations
  • Panic attacks
  • Insomnia
  • Tension headache
  • Muscle tension
  • Bruxism (teeth clenching)

How is an acupuncture session performed?

During the acupuncture session, the person lies on the table, makes themselves comfortable, and the needles are placed at the points chosen by the health professional. Relaxing music is played, the light is lowered, the person is asked to close their eyes, they put themselves in a state of relaxation, breathing deeply and slowly. Many people fall asleep during the session. The needles are left for 15 to 45 minutes. It is a very relaxing therapy.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with acupuncture?

It is important to clarify that new, sterile needles are used for each patient. At the end of the session, they are discarded in a special red jar, called a guardian, which is then collected by a biological waste company and subsequently incinerated. Needles are not reused, nor are they shared between patients. Therefore, the risk of infection or disease transmission through needles is almost zero. With acupuncture, complications or discomfort occur very rarely (approximately one bothersome event in 200 patients). Possible discomforts are the following: transient residual pain, occasional slight bleeding, ecchymosis or bruising, drowsiness after the session, occasional worsening of symptoms, momentary needle entrapment; general reactions such as slight dizziness, momentary fainting, heavy head, which can last a few minutes.

Schedule your appointment today for an acupuncture session in Bello, Antioquia

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