
What you should know about tantrums in children by psychologist Cindy Pérez


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What you should know about tantrums in children by psychologist Cindy Pérez

Cindy Perez, a psychologist in Barranquilla, explains to parents everything they need to know about tantrums in children, how to prevent them and how to handle them.

What are tantrums in children?

Tantrums are a normal, expected, and desired response in children from 12 months to about 3 to 4 1/2 years. They respond to the process of brain maturation and are the way that children express their needs. regulation of emotions.

How to handle tantrums in children under 5?

Accompany at the moment of the overflow with your full, calm and conscious presence, validating what they are feeling and putting that experience into words; eg: "Son, you are very angry because we turned off the TV. You can handle this"

How to handle tantrums in children older than 5 years?

In the same way as with minor children, validating, accompanying with your presence and finally when the overflow has passed, we can talk with them to find solutions for a next occasion. Also, it is useful to build a space or corner of calm with materials that allow it to regulate itself, such as: drawings to color, dolls to hug.p>

What guidelines exist for parents to be able to control their emotions without resorting to abuse?

  • The first thing is to normalize the tantrum, understanding that due to brain maturity it still does not have the capacity to regulate itself or express in words what it feels.
  • Understand that there is no evil intent behind the tantrum.
  • Observe his behavior without judging him, but asking yourself: What made my son react like this?
  • Understanding that physical punishment does not guarantee any learning, it only fills children with fear.

Can tantrums in children be prevented?

No, they can't be avoided. These are a normal, expected and natural response for his age. We can reduce its appearance, through some guidelines:

  • Establish routines with visual cues
  • Take care of your sleep schedules
  • Anticipate the activities that are going to be carried out

What are the warning signs that a child needs psychological help to control tantrums?

In cases where there is a high intensity, duration and frequency of tantrums, when the child injures himself or others. However, it will always be important to teach them emotional management tools.

Schedule your appointment today with psychologist Cindy Perez and get professional guidance on tantrums in children.

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